
LARRY ROHTER “Translation as Literary Ambassador” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/08/books/08translate.html


(…) From Romania to Catalonia to Iceland, cultural institutes and agencies are subsidizing publication of books in English, underwriting the training of translators, encouraging their writers to tour in the United States, submitting to American marketing and promotional techniques they may have previously shunned and exploiting existing niches in the publishing industry.

“We have established this as a strategic objective, a long-term commitment to break through the American market,” said Corina Suteu, who leads the New York branch of the European Union National Institutes for Culture and directs the Romanian Cultural Institute. “For nations in Europe, be they small or large, literature will always be one of the keys of their cultural existence, and we recognize that this is the only way we are going to be able to make that literature present in the United States.”

記事では、また翻訳書を専門にしているイリノイ州の小出版社Dalkey Archive Pressが紹介されている。同社は25年前にスロヴェニア文学の出版を始め、さらにカタルニア語やヘブライ語の翻訳も刊行し、さらに瑞西文学や墨西哥文学の刊行も予定している。

Three Percent(Open Letter Books*1による)
Words Without Borders


Amazon Crossing


*1:Open Letter Books という出版社については、 LARRY ROHTER “Small Publisher Finds Its Mission in Translation” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/26/books/26open.htmlを参照のこと。