
JULIE BOSMAN “Web Site for Teenagers With Literary Leanings” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/06/books/06figment.html

New Yorker編集長のJacob Lewis氏がNew Yorkerのスタッフ・ライターDana Goodyearとともに、文学少年向けFacebook、”the social network for young-adult fiction”としてのサイトFigment.com*1を立ち上げることになったという話。

Figment.com will be unveiled on Monday as an experiment in online literature, a free platform for young people to read and write fiction, both on their computers and on their cellphones. Users are invited to write novels, short stories and poems, collaborate with other writers and give and receive feedback on the work posted on the site.
ところで、Lewis氏たちがFigment.comのヒントにしたのは、日本のケータイ小説*2だったという。事実、Dana Goodyearさんは2008年にケータイ小説論をNew Yorkerに寄稿している;

“I ♥ Novels”http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/12/22/081222fa_fact_goodyear