


アレントの”On Violence”*1、特にその第2節の論点の要約。それに続けて、石田氏のコメント;

アーレントは「権力」、「暴力」、「力」、「権威」authority、「強制力」force といった用語が政治学では混乱しているとし、これらを精緻に定義しようと試みた。「権力」と「暴力」とを区分した上でその関係性(そして相反性)を明確にしようとしたのはその端的な事例である。しかしながらそれは、彼女自身が「非暴力主義」という政治的主張を持っていたことと同義ではない。アメリカ亡命直後のアーレントユダヤ系論壇で注目されたのは、ナチス・ドイツとの「話し合いによる解決」の欺瞞を告発し、ユダヤ人軍隊の創設の必要性を訴えたからであった。


アレントが「ユダヤ人軍隊の創設の必要性を訴えた」云々については、エリザベス・ヤング=ブルーエル『ハンナ・アーレント伝』第5章「ニューヨーク――誠実は真理の徴 1941-1948」「ユダヤ人軍団のために」(pp.247-257)に記載あり。
Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics; Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics and Revolution

Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics; Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics and Revolution

暴力について―共和国の危機 (みすずライブラリー)

暴力について―共和国の危機 (みすずライブラリー)




Violence, being instrumental by nature, is rational to the extent that it is effective in reaching the end that must justify it. And since when we act And since when we act we never know with any certainty the eventual consequences of what we are doing, violence can remain rational only if it pursues short-term goals. Violence does not promote causes, neither history nor revolution, neither progress nor reaction; but it can serve to dramatize grievances and bring them to public attention. As Coner Cruise O’Brien ( in a debate on the legitimacy of violence in the Theatre of Ideas) once remarked, quoting William O’Brien, the nineteenth-century Irish agrarian and nationalist agitator: Sometimes violence is the only way of ensuring a hearing for moderation.” To ask the impossible in order to obtain the possible is not always counterproductive. And indeed, violence, contrary to what its prophets try to tell us, is more the weapon of reform than of revolution. (p.176)

(…) In a contest of violence against violence the superiority of the government has always been absolute; but this superiority lasts only as long as the power structure of the government is intact—that is, as long as commands are obeyed and the army or police forces are prepared to use their weapons. When this is no longer the case, the situation changes abruptly. Not only is the rebellion not put down, but the arms themselves change hands—sometimes, as in the Hungarian revolution, within a few hours. (…) Only after this has happened, when the disintegration of the government in power has permitted the rebels to arm themselves, can one speak of an “armed uprising,” which often does not take place at all or occurs when it is no longer necessary. Where commands are no longer obeyed, the means of violence are of no use; and the question of this obedience is not decided by the command-obedience relation but by opinion, and of course, by the number of those who share it. (…) (pp.147-148)

ゲーム理論を読みとく (ちくま新書)

ゲーム理論を読みとく (ちくま新書)

モーゲンソーはアレントの”On Violence”に対して好意的な感想を持っていた*2。また、本間長世氏(『ユダヤアメリカ人』)によると、モーゲンソーはアレントの夫の死後にアレントに求婚したが、アレントはそれを受け流して、お友だちのままでいることを選んだという。
ユダヤ系アメリカ人―偉大な成功物語のジレンマ (PHP新書)

ユダヤ系アメリカ人―偉大な成功物語のジレンマ (PHP新書)

ヤング=ブルーエルのWhy Arendt Matters*3、日本語訳も出ているの?