最初に劉澤凡「停業五年、水門飯店今被拍売」(『東方早報』2009年7月21日)にて知ったのだが、1972年の米国大統領選挙において、ニクソン陣営による民主党全米委員会事務所への盗聴事件が起こったWatergate Hotelが競売に付された。しかし、実際には買い手が付かず、競売は不成立であったよう。
Watergate Hotel could be auctioned off next week
Updated on Thursday, July 16, 2009, 23:24 IST
Updated on Thursday, July 16, 2009, 23:24 IST
Washington: The Watergate Hotel, which was made famous by a political scandal involving President Richard Nixon, is expected to be on the auction block next week.Alex Cooper Auctioneers is announcing that it will take bids Tuesday on the Washington landmark, according to The Washington Post newspaper.
A 30-day foreclosure notice expires today. It was sent to hotel owner Monument Realty last month after the company defaulted on its loan and lists an outstanding USD 40 million balance.
The Watergate complex was made famous by the 1972 burglary that led to Nixon's resignation.
Monument officials said two weeks ago they hoped the lender could agree to new terms, but a company spokeswoman declined to comment yesterday.
Alex Cooper's Web site does not name the Watergate but describes a 12-story hotel at the Watergate's address.
Bureau Report
Watergate Hotel gets no bids at auction
Last Updated: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 | 1:02 PM ETCBC News
The Watergate Hotel, which became a household name in the 1970s scandal that brought down U.S. President Richard Nixon and was to be sold at auction in Washington D.C. Tuesday, failed to attract any bids.
It was taken back by PB Capital Corp, the lender that holds the $44.3-million US note on it.
Bids opened at $27.7 million, but there were no takers, said Paul Cooper, vice-president of the auction house, Alex Cooper Auctioneers. Ten bidders, which included hotel chains and developers in the U.S. as well as overseas, had registered for the auction and provided a $1.1-million deposit, he added.
The hotel, part of an office and residential complex gained international notoriety from a 1972 burglary that led to Nixon's resignation.
The hotel's owner Monument Realty received a foreclosure notice last month after the company defaulted on its loan.