See also http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/plant%20rejects%20led%20zep%20reunion%20to%20avoid%20disappointment_1093893
ROBERT PLANT has finally divulged the real reason why he opted out of a full LED ZEPPELIN reunion - because it would be inappropriate without their late drummer JOHN BONHAM. Bonham died in 1980 at the age of 32, effectively ending the band's career - the three remaining members, Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, disbanded the group three months after he passed away.
The legendary rockers returned for a one-off gig in London in December 2007, with Bonham's son Jason filling in for his father on percussion.
The Kashmir hitmakers subsequently announced plans for a possible world tour and new album - but Plant refused to rejoin his former bandmates, putting his absence down to touring commitments with current collaborator, Alison Krauss.
But now the singer has disclosed the reason why he could never resurrect the group - because they will never be the same without Bonham, and he doesn't want to jeopardise Led Zeppelin's rock legacy.
He says, "The reason that it stopped was because we were incomplete, and we've been incomplete now for 29 years.
"I think the thing about it is really, is that to visit old ground, it's a very incredibly delicate thing to do, and the disappointment that could be there once you commit to that and the comparisons to something that was basically fired by youth and a different kind of exuberance to now, it's very hard to go back and meet that head on and do it justice."
理由は予想していた通り。ジョン・ボーナムに代わりうる人はいなかったということだ。その息子でさえも。フィル・コリンズとチェスター・トンプソンというロックとジャズを代表する2人のドラマーをもってしても、ジョン・ボーナムすることはできなかった。だからこそ、ペイジとプラントはLive Aidでの自分たちの演奏をDVDに収録することを拒否したともいえる。
ライヴ・エイド★初回生産限定スペシャル・プライス★ [DVD]
- アーティスト: USA for AFRICA,スティーヴ・スティーヴンス,ナイル・ロジャース,マドンナ
- 出版社/メーカー: ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン
- 発売日: 2004/11/17
- メディア: DVD
- 購入: 2人 クリック: 16回
- この商品を含むブログ (60件) を見る
See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070628/1183032395 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070908/1189184035