Music and Attitudes

Chris Green “Classical to Rap: Music lovers have much more in common than you would think”

Heriot Watt Universityの心理学者Adrian North氏が世界36,000名へのアンケートから抽出した好きな音楽ジャンルと性格との関係。どちらも自己申告。また、音楽ジャンルは調査者側の用意したリストから選ぶ方式なのかフリー・アンサーをコーディングしたものなのかは不明。どちらにしても、このジャンル分けには??なところあり。

Indie: Devotees have low self-esteem and are not very hard-working, kind or generous. However, they are creative.

Rock 'n' Roll: Fans have high self-esteem and are very creative, hard-working and at ease with themselves, but not very kind or generous.

Blues: High self-esteem, creative, outgoing and at ease with themselves.

Classical: Classical music lovers have high self-esteem, are creative and at ease with themselves, but not outgoing.

Heavy metal: Very creative and at ease with themselves, but not very outgoing or hard-working.

Reggae: High self-esteem, creative, outgoing, kind, generous and at ease with themselves, but not very hard-working.

Country & Western: Very hard-working and outgoing.

Dance: Creative and outgoing but not kind or generous.

Rap: High self-esteem, outgoing.

ところで、昔PARCO出版局から出ていた『ポップ・コミュニケーション全書』所収のテクストで、宮台真司氏が音楽的趣味とコミュニケーション能力の関係について語っていなかったか。因みに、タイトルはTimbuk 3からのぱくり。
Greetings From Timbuk 3

Greetings From Timbuk 3