

Reversing Horizons refers to the shift of ideologies and creative inspiration that took place as China became an ever-increasing importance in the lives of Hong Kong residents. Co-curators Johnson Chang of Hong Kong-based Hanart TZ Gallery together with Gao Shiming, at the China Academy of Art, have asked more than 30 Hong Kong artists to recall the lead-up to the handover and period since as they prepare their artworks. Hong Kong's up-and-coming contemporary artists illustrate through various their artwork the cultural developments in Hong Kong, which took place during the past decade.

Widely recognized as a financial and commercial hub, Hong Kong has a history of success in commerce, entertainment, and tourism. While visitors will attest to the high-level quality of service in Hong Kong, most have yet to discover the emerging arts culture. In the midst of an exploding Chinese contemporary art scene, this is the first time such a comprehensive representation of Hong Kong artists is exhibited in China. It is the hope of this exhibition that the experience of Hong Kong contemporary art can be shared with that of China.
それから、外灘(福州路)のStudio Rouge*3へ。1980年代から上海を撮り続けているカナダ人の写真家Greg Girardの『上海魅影(Phantom Shanghai)』*4。薄明るい/薄暗い夜の廃墟としての上海。都市の生の痕跡。
さらに、外灘三号の「滬申画廊」*5では、『負反作用(Negative Re-Actions)』*6のオープニング。陳文波、耿建翌、蒋志、梁明、張燎原のグループ展。キューレーターの陳浩揚氏によれば、ここで目指されているのは、「コンセプチュアル・アート」の再考。今日多くのアーティストがコンセプチュアル・アートを称しているが、そこにはアーティストの主観性に引き籠もる傾向がある。それに対して、negative re-actionを行い、「公共対話」を恢復させる。作品として最も注目すべきは、杭州の実際の道路の一部をパイル・ドライヴァーと重機で切り取ってしまう記録映像とその切り取られた道路の一部の実物を組み合わせた杭州在住の張燎原のインスタレーションだろうか。