




社会学をかじったことがある人だと、重要な他者(significant other)という言葉が思い浮かぶのではないだろうか。ただ、一般の社会学的或いは心理学的言説を読むと、あまりに安易に、例えば親子だったら、夫婦だったら、自動的に〈重要な他者〉になるかのような錯覚を覚えることもある。物象化に加担しやがって! 重要な他者という関係は、親子や夫婦という役割行為に還元できない。
ここで、J. Hillis Miller The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers(University of Illinois Press, 2000)
The Disappearance of God: Five 19th Century Writers

The Disappearance of God: Five 19th Century Writers


If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihirated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it(cited in p.174).

Catherine’s relation to Heathcliff differs in one important respect from the relation between the created soul and God as Emily Bronte defined in the poem*3, or as it is defined traditionally in Christian theology. What Heathcliff is for Cathy, Cathy is also for Heathcliff. He speaks in exactly the same way about her as she speaks about him, and the same relation is being dramatized, whether we see their love from the point of view of Cathy or from the point of view of Heathcliff. (…) If Heathcliff is the ground of Cathy’s being, Cathy is the ground of Heathcliff’s, whereas, though God’s creatures could not exist without God, God is defined by His absolute self-sufficiency(ibid.).

Cathy and Heathcliff are as inseparably joined as trunk and root of the living tree. Their relation to one another excludes or absorbs their relation to everything else. Each is related to the rest of the universe only through the other. Through Heathcliff, Cathy possesses all of the nature. Through Cathy, Heacliff possesses it. As in Dante’s “The Sun Rising,” the whole creation has organized itself around their relation, as around its center or source, and God in his heaven is ignored or dismissed. If the mystic says: “I am because I am God,” or if Descartes says he is because he thinks, Cathy must say: “I am Heathcliff, therefore I exist.” (pp.174-175)
序でに言えば、communionとannihilationのほかに”a third dreadful possibility”としての”the violent separation of the trunk from its root”(p.175)がある。日本語の恋ふが乞ふであるように、通常恋愛といえば、この〈合一の欠如〉を耐えつつ生きることであるかも知れない。さらにいえば、たんに生きられるものでしかない合一が語られるものとして現れるのはこの分離においてである。合一の欠如を代償として言葉が語られる空間が現れるといえようか。




Though Earth and moon were gone/And suns and universes ceased to be/And thou wert left alone/Every Existence would exist in thee…
