
Japan actress Norika Fujiwara moving into politics
June 29, 2006 l Filed Celebrities News, Japan Celebrities

Japanese actress Norika Fujiwara are rumored to be competing for a parlimental seat in Tokyo for next Japan general election.

Norika Fujiwara is already 34, and in Japan it’s not easy to survive the harsh entertainment world at that age. Norika has been offered fewer chances in acting and received less TV commercials contract as well.

For the past 2 years Norika has been actively involved in community and charity projects, including visits to Afghanistan and East Timor, filming it and exhibited in Japan to raise awareness of helping undeveloped countries.

Despite not as popular as she used to be, Norika does have real capability to compete in one of the 5 Tokyo parlimental seats. It’s said that Norika seems interested to be involved in politics as well.

It still remains as rumor until an official statement, most of Norika’s fans however are more eager to see Norika and her singer boyfriend Take getting married.

信憑性は? もし信憑性があるとしたら、どこから出るのかも気になるところ。