
Rebecca CATCHING “In search of an identity: Misha Saran’s Chasing the Monk’s Shadow,” that’s Shanghai March 2006, p.33

Misha Saranの Chasing the Monk’s Shadow: A Journy in the Footsteps of Xuanzangの紹介。
1968年に印度のAllahabadに生まれたMisha Saranは子供の時に『西遊記』の絵本に魅せられた。その後、彼女は米国及び中国留学を経て、香港を拠点としてジャーナリスト活動を始める。そうしながら、彼女は”the bond, something that would tie two countries together”を索め続けていた。その結果、辿り着いたのはある種のコスモポリタンな諦観である。”[T]he author emphasizes the flexibility of identity and the permeability of national boundaries.”さらにCatchingさん曰く、

And in a sense, Saran has adapted that nomadic lifestyle, and become, in effect, stateless. Borders, she believes, are becoming less important, and a sense of nationalism ever more difficult to define. Saran says that for years she has struggled to find an identity and in the process discovered that India, indeed, the very concept of ‘Indianess’ is elusive. In other words, the world is more than the sum of parts.
なお、Misha Saranさんは現在上海に滞在中。3月18日に、外灘のレストランM on the Bund*1で講演あり*2。残念ながら、私は行けないが。