先週末からだけれど、CDプレイヤーを占拠しているのは、ブライアン・イーノの新作Another Day on Earthである。
イーノのヴォーカリストとしての魅力は、例えばAnother Green Worldに収録された"I'll Come Running"とかBefore and After Scienceに収録された"Here He Comes"などで承知していたけれど、改めてこの、歌物としては1977年のBefore and After Science以来28年ぶりとなる新作を聴いて、イーノの歌は美しいと思った。実は、"I'll Come Running"などにしても、昔はイーノじゃなくてブライアン・フェリーとかデヴィッド・ボウイに歌わせればもっとヒットするのにと思っていたのだけれど、少なくともこのアルバムに収録された楽曲に関しては、やはり最良の歌い手はイーノ自身ということになるだろう。U2のボノでも駄目だな。ただし、ロバート・ワイアットが歌うのは聴いてみたいと思う。イーノの歌、言葉にすれば、徹底的に透明であり、且つ独特の濁りを湛えている。すごく矛盾した表現なのだが。1970年代のイーノの音は、さらっとした静謐とスティッキーなファンキーさが同居していたように思える。後者の例としては、"Sky Saw"とか。その後のアンビエントを経た後のこのアルバムの音では、前者の静謐という側面がより前面化している。しかし、後者のスティキーさも全く消え失せたわけではない。
ジャケットの写真はイーノ自身の撮影によるもので、中国のどこかの地方都市のスーパー・マーケット(超市)を写したもの。ジャケット裏のイーノのポートレイトはXiu Siyuanという中国人によって撮影されたものだから、これも中国で撮影されたのだろうか。
歌詞は(日本盤でも)ついていないが、http://music.hyperreal.org/artists/brian_eno/adoelyrics.htmlで、歌詞のトランスクリプションが読める。多くは自然を歌った端正な詞であるが、"Bone Bomb"の詞は深刻である。
ところで、『オブザーヴァー』のMatthew Collin氏のレヴューには、
While echoes of the ether-borne electronics of ambient works such as Another Green World drift amid the lightly shuffling rhythms, and chiming guitars pick out elegiac melodies, the sound is closer to Peter Gabriel if he had been produced by Massive Attack.
Tariq Ali氏の"The price of occupation"を読んでみる。これは事件の翌日掲載されたものである。Ali氏は在英の亡命イラク人社会学者。
One of the arguments deployed by Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, when he appealed to Tony Blair not to support the war in Iraq was prescient: "An assault on Iraq will inflame world opinion and jeopardise security and peace everywhere. London, as one of the major world cities, has a great deal to lose from war and a lot to gain from peace, international cooperation and global stability."Most Londoners (as the rest of the country) were opposed to the Iraq war. Tragically, they have suffered the blow and paid the price for the re-election of Blair and a continuation of the war.
The real solution lies in immediately ending the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Just because these three wars are reported sporadically and mean little to the everyday lives of most Europeans does not mean the anger and bitterness they arouse in the Muslim world and its diaspora is insignificant. As long as western politicians wage their wars and their colleagues in the Muslim world watch in silence, young people will be attracted to the groups who carry out random acts of revenge.
また、Max Hastings氏は一方では英国政府に対して、
We cannot trust Tony Blair, Charles Clarke, the police and the intelligence services to decide who gets locked up, because their record suggests that they do not merit such trust. Do not allow our rulers unfettered discretion about the freedom or custody of individuals.
かつて労働党政権顧問を務めていたDavid Clark氏は、「ビン・ラディン主義」に対しては軍事的殲滅も功利的な「交渉」も無効であるという。そして、解決の唯一の前提は「アラブの正当な嘆き」を真剣に考慮することなのだという;
Our lives can't, and should not, remain unchanged now that we are dealing with the reality of al-Qaida attacks. But proportionality remains fundamental in assessing every response to terrorism. We should accept some curtailment of civil liberties as the price of increased security. But government and the intelligence services must remain accountable to parliament and the judiciary for every power they seek to exercise.
ムスリムの学者であるTariq Ramadan氏の"Living together takes effort"では先ず、
The political dimensions of this problem mean that there can be no hope of defeating terrorism until we are ready to take legitimate Arab grievances seriously. We must start by acknowledging that their long history of engagement with the west is one that has left many Arabs feeling humiliated and used. There is more to this than finding a way of bringing the occupation of Iraq to an end. We cannot seriously claim to care for the rights of Arabs living in Iraq when it is obvious that we care so little for Arabs living in Palestine. The Palestinians need a viable state, but all the indications suggest that the Bush administration is preparing to bounce the Palestinians into accepting a truncated entity that will lack the basic characteristics of either viability or statehood. That must not be allowed to succeed.
The message of the criminals who attacked London is plain: "We can strike western societies from within; no one is safe from terror; we have the means to choose the right time, the right places, the right symbols." We must acknowledge that their message, coming the day after the announcement of London's victory to host the Olympic games in 2012, was strong and terrifying.The objective of these attacks is to make us realise how fragile our societies are. From this feeling of fragility arises fear - for oneself and of the Other.
"On Wednesday Londoners were united in joy."とは、オリンピックの倫敦開催が決定したことを指す。そして、倫敦が「マルティカルチュラルな都市」であることを強調する。その多文化性を維持するのは、「複数主義的な均衡」であるが、それが達成されるのは、「日常生活における各個人のパーソナルな参加を通してのみ」である。そして、ムスリムに対して、
On Wednesday Londoners were united in joy. Now we face the risk that fear will build walls of doubt and misunderstanding between them. All could come to feel that they are potential victims: of Muslim extremists on the one hand; of rejection and racism on the other. The proponents of the "clash of civilisations" theory will have won if we allow ourselves to become suspicious towards people of other faiths and cultures.
Muslims must speak out and explain who they are, what they believe in, what they stand for, what is the meaning of their life. They must have the courage to denounce what is said and done by certain Muslims in the name of their religion. They will not reassure their fellow citizens by pretending to be "like them", saying only what they want to hear and becoming invisible. They have to assert their identities, refuse simplistic discourses, promote critical and self-critical understanding and get out from their intellectual, religious and social ghettos. European societies need to see European Muslims involved in the society's questions of the day: citizenship, school, unemployment. Their strength must lie in refusing to be victims and in becoming active citizens, politically engaged both domestically and internationally.
Terror will crash down on us if we fail to understand that a pluralistic society requires the personal and daily commitment of every citizen. Criminals, no doubt, will continue to kill, but we shall be able to respond to them by demonstrating that our experience of human brotherhood and mutual respect is stronger than their message of hate. Our lives are fragile, but our commitment to our ideals is strong.
*1:Faisal Bodi氏もムスリムの立場からブレア政権を糾弾している。