
Christy Cooney & Vanessa Buschschlüter “Candidate in Ecuador's presidential election Fernando Villavicencio shot dead” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-66457472


Fernando Villavicencio, a member of the country's national assembly, was attacked as he left the event in the capital, Quito, on Wednesday.

He is one of the few candidates to allege links between organised crime and government officials in Ecuador.

President Guillermo Lasso said organised crime was behind the killing.

Ecuador has historically been a relatively safe and stable country in Latin America, but crime has shot up in recent years, fuelled by the growing presence of Colombian and Mexican drug cartels, which have infiltrated local criminal gangs.

『ガーディアン』の記事によれば、 ビジャビセンシオ氏は政治家と組織暴力との癒着を追及してきたジャーナリストであり、またアマゾン流域の先住民コミュニティとも親しかったという*2
なお、 ビジャビセンシオ氏が属する「建設党」は殺された ビジャビセンシオ氏に代わって、アンドレア・ゴンザレスさんを新たな大統領候補に立てるという。ゴンザレスさんは36歳の女性で、環境運動家*3

*1:https://www.instagram.com/fernandovillavicencioec/ https://twitter.com/VillaFernando_

*2:Dan Collyns and Carla Valdiviezo “Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio assassinated” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/10/ecuador-presidential-candidate-fernando-villavicencio-killed

*3:Graeme Baker “Ecuador murder: Fernando Villavicencio's running-mate steps in to contest election” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-66489199