Perspective of BBC


3/10(木) 8:33配信



See also

「韓国大統領選 野党ユン・ソギョル氏当選5年ぶり保守政権誕生へ」
The Associated Press “Former conservative prosecutor wins narrow victory in South Korea's presidential election”


Laura Bicker “Why misogyny is at the heart of South Korea's presidential elections”


Conservative candidate Mr Yoon and his liberal rival Lee Jae-myung are neck and neck in a contest to become the next leader of Asia's fourth largest economy.

Voters' top concerns are skyrocketing house prices, stagnant economic growth, and stubborn youth unemployment.

Neither have any experience as legislators in the National Assembly which is a first in South Korea's democratic history.

And neither appear to have a strong female voting base. Both parties have been accused of misogyny.

Mr Lee's ruling Democratic Party has seen a number of high-profile sexual harassment scandals, with the mayor of Busan sent to prison for sexual assault.

Mr Yoon, of the People's Power Party, has made abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family a central pledge of his campaign.

The ministry largely provides family-based services, education, and social welfare for children and spends around 0.2% of the nation's annual budget - less than 3% of which goes towards the promotion of equality for women. But Yoon knows this move will be popular among a key demographic - young men.


The pains of young women however, have been largely ignored in this election. Until now.

A writer for the Korea Herald, Yim Hyun-su noted in an article at the weekend that both candidates have refreshed their appeal to women on social media.

Mr Lee has pledged to tackle discrimination and Mr Yoon declared a "war on sex crimes".

In such a close race, it seems they have realised that young women may now hold the deciding votes.


The average monthly wage for a South Korean woman in 2020 was 67.7% of that of a man, according to the Ministry of Employment and Labour. This is the biggest wage gap among developed countries.

Women make up only 5% of boards in South Korea's corporate world.

When it comes to sexual crimes against women, sentencing has been traditionally low. In the last 10 years 41.4% of perpetrators were given probation, around 30% were given a fine.

That means just over 28% of those found guilty were sent to prison.

尹錫悦陣営の運動員であるPark Min-young氏が有権者からのメッセージを基に語ったところによると、「20代男性の90%近く」が「反フェミニズム」である。多くの男性は「フェミニズム」を「平等への闘い」ではなく「逆差別の一形態(a form of reverse discrimination)」、「彼らの職と機会を奪うための運動(a movement to take away their jobs and their opportunities)」だと感じている。或る調査によると、韓国の若い男性の79%は自らの男というジェンダー故に酷く差別されていると感じている。因みに、最大の不平は男性にのみ兵役義務があることである。

*1:『ガーディアン』も韓国大統領選挙報道で「ミソジニー」問題を取り上げている。Justin McCurry “South Korea election contenders neck and neck, according to exit polls”