
Jeffrey Sachs*1 “Trump's insane trade war” https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/01/opinions/trumps-insane-trade-war-sachs/index.html *2


Maybe Donald Trump really is the Manchurian Candidate, a stooge of some foreign potentate. Much more likely, Trump is just mentally unstable and narcissistic. Whichever it is, Trump is rapidly destroying American global leadership, alliances, and interests. Wednesday's announcement of new tariffs on steel and aluminum exports from Canada, Mexico, and the European Union is the latest bizarre and self-destructive move.

I have just returned from a trip to Europe. Across Europe, there was not a single word of respect for Trump. The constant refrain was extreme puzzlement and deep consternation. How did America fall so far so fast? What do we need to do to survive?


The real answer to Trump's trade (and other) policies is the 25th Amendment*3. Trump is unwell and unfit to be President. He is a growing threat to the nation and the world.
The emperor had no clothes. This President has no sense.
ところで、サックス氏は国連のSustainable Development Solutions Network*4で『世界幸福度調査』*5に関わっているのだった。