Colourful transformation

The Hounds of Love (+6 Bonus Track)

The Hounds of Love (+6 Bonus Track)

Ariel Fournier and Sheena Rossiter “Colouring outside the lines: Edmonton kids colour in Kate Bush-inspired music video”

メグ・マイヤーズ*1ケイト・ブッシュの”Running Up That Hill”*2をカヴァー。 Jo Roy*3が監督したそのヴィデオでは、彼女自身が舞いながら青虫から蝶への変態を遂げるのだが、注目すべきはその彩色だろう*4。カナダのエドモントン*5の2000名以上の子どもたちがクレヨンを持って参加。
”Running Up That Hill”についての彼女のコメント;

Myers said she was recovering from a bad break-up while she was producing her album and the song particularly resonated with her. But as she began recording, she started to think of its meaning more universally.

"I was interpreting it as more broad, not just a woman and a man's relationship, but in general about people switching places and having more compassion — not just in your relationship but for the world."

Myers said she also appreciated how the kids brought their own interpretation to the story by inserting secret messages on different pages.

"One person put 'fly to your destination' and another put 'love,' I think I put one in there," she said.