Selin Girit “The young Turks rejecting Islam”
土耳古ではRecep Tayyip Erdoğan*1政権が発足して既に16年経ち、さぞや国民精神の再イスラーム化が進んでいるのではないかと思いきや、実際には若者を中心にイスラーム親交の空洞化が進んで、「理神論」や「無神論」を自認する人が増えているのだという。記事を読む限り、「理神論」*2や「無神論」に進む人というのは、〈なんちゃってムスリム〉のような人ではなく、現政権的なイスラーム主義に忠実だった人、さらに極端なアルカイダやISIS流の原理主義にシンパシーを抱いていた人に多いようなのだ。勿論、体制に近い神学者たちはその空洞化を否認している。
At a workshop in Konya, one of Turkey's most conservative cities, there have been claims that students at religious high schools are moving towards deism because of what they referred to as "the inconsistencies within Islam", according to reports in opposition newspapers.Deism has its roots back in Greek culture. Its followers believe that God exists, but they reject all religions.
Education Minister Ismet Yilmaz says this workshop had no scientific basis and he has denied all reports that Turkey's so-called pious generation is changing course.
While there are no statistics or polls to indicate how widespread this is, anecdotal evidence is enough to worry Turkey's leaders.
Turkey's top religious cleric, the head of Religious Affairs Directorate Ali Erbas, has also denied the spread of deism and atheism among the country's conservative youth. "No member of our nation would ever adhere to a such a deviant and void concept," he said.Theology professor Hidayet Aybar is also adamant that there is no such shift towards deism.
"Deism rejects Islamic values. It rejects Koran and it rejects the prophet. It rejects heaven and hell, the angels, and reincarnation. These are all pillars of Islam. Deism only accepts the existence of God," he says.
According to deist philosophy, God created the universe and all its creatures but does not intervene in what has been created, and does not lay out rules or principles.
"I can assure you that there is no such tendency towards deism amongst our conservative youth," he argues.
- 作者: 丸谷才一
- 出版社/メーカー: 中央公論社
- 発売日: 1978/01/10
- メディア: 文庫
- クリック: 36回
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*1:See also
*2:See also
*3:Mentioned in