
Julian Borger “Plane crash that killed UN boss 'may have been caused by aircraft attack'“ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/26/plane-crash-which-killed-un-boss-dag-hammarskjold-may-have-been-caused-by-aircraft-attack

国際連合の第2代事務総長だったダグ・ハマーショルド*1は、コンゴ動乱*2の仲裁のために、現地時間1961年9月17日の深夜、コンゴ共和国キンシャサ*3から北ローデシア(現在のザンビア)のンドラ*4へDC-6機で移動していたが、ンドラ空港の滑走路にアプローチする直前に飛行機は墜落し、ダグ・ハマーショルドほか、登場していた15名が全員死亡した。当時の飛行機にはまだフライト・レコーダーやヴォイス・レコーダーは搭載されていなかった。英国はパイロットのエラーが事故原因だと訴えていたが、国連の調査委員会は1962年に「在疑評決(open verdict)」を下している。しかし、事故から50年目の2011年頃から、スーザン・ウィリアムズという研究者*5が『誰がハマーショルドを殺したか』という本*6を上梓した辺りから、事故(事件)の再調査を求める声が強くなってきた*7。国連では2015年に再調査のための委員会がつくられ、今年の2月には委員会が収集した資料を評価し、報告書を執筆する役に、タンザニアの元最高裁判所長官Mohamed Chande Othman氏が委嘱され*8、9月には報告書がAntónio Guterres国連事務総長に提出された*9

Othman found that earlier inquiries had disregarded the testimony of local witnesses who said they saw another plane and flashes in the sky on the night of Hammarskjold’s crash. They had also “undervalued” the testimony of Harold Julien, a security officer who survived for several days who told medical staff he had seen “sparks in the sky” shortly before the DC-6, known by its registration number SE-BDY, fell out of the sky.

“Based on the totality of the information we have at hand, it appears plausible that external attack or threat may have been a cause of the crash, whether by way of direct attack causing SE-BDY to crash, or by causing a momentary distraction of the pilots,” Othman concludes.

“There is a significant amount of evidence from eyewitnesses that they observed more than one aircraft in the air, that the other aircraft may have been a jet, that SE-BDY was on fire before it crashed, and/or that SE-BDY was fired upon or otherwise actively engaged by another aircraft. In its totality, this evidence is not easily dismissed.”


In February 1961, the French secretly supplied three Fouga warplanes to the Katanga rebels, “against the objections of the US government”. Contrary to previous findings, they were used in air-to-air attacks, flown at night and from unpaved airstrips in Katanga.

Fresh evidence bolsters an account by a French diplomat, Claude de Kemoularia, that he had been told in 1967 by a Belgian pilot known as Beukels, who had been flying for the rebels as a mercenary, that he had fired warning shots to try to divert the plane away from Ndola and accidentally clipped its wing. Othman said he was unable establish Beukels’ identity in the time available for his inquiry.