nessko*1 2017/08/13 12:02
Laurence Bergreen Marco Polo*3から;
(…) One in twelve Asian men―that is, one in every hundred men worldwide-carries a Y chromosome originating in Mongorian at the time of Genghis Khan. Geneticists believe that Genghis Khan's soldiers spread that chromosome as they raped abd pillaged their way across Asia, replacing the DNA of the men they slaughtered with their own, by way of the children they sired. Some scientisrs have suggested that the Y chromosome persisting to this day came from Genghis Khan himself. (When a sperm's DNA joins with that of an egg, the Y chromosome exchanges almost no genetic material with its partner, X chromosome, and remains largely free of mutations.) A group of Oxford University researchers evaluated genetic markers in men across Asia; 8 percent of those studied were virtually identical, meaning that the individuals were closely related, even though they lived thousands of miles apart. The geneticists concluded that the 8 percent were direct descendants of Genghis Khan.(...) (p.103)
Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu (Vintage)
- 作者: Laurence Bergreen
- 出版社/メーカー: Vintage
- 発売日: 2008/10/21
- メディア: ペーパーバック
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