Agence France-Presse “Eiffel Tower to get bulletproof glass walls to protect against terrorism”
The Eiffel Tower will soon be protected by bulletproof glass walls 2.5 metres high as part of a plan to prevent attacks at the monument, Parisian authorities said on Thursday.The walls, costing €20m, will be built later this year at the northern and southern ends of the landmark, the city said in a statement. On the western and eastern sides, “inelegant temporary” barriers that were thrown up around the 324-metre tower during last year’s Euro 2016 football tournament will be replaced by ornate fencing.
Deputy mayor Jean-Francois Martins told a news conference: “The terror threat remains high in Paris, and the most vulnerable sites, starting with the Eiffel Tower, must be the object of special security measures.”
The glass walls will prevent individuals or vehicles storming the site, which is visited by six million people a year, he added.
- 出版社/メーカー: ポニーキャニオン
- 発売日: 2000/01/19
- メディア: DVD
- クリック: 21回
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