Zen Baggage: A Pilgrimage to China
- 作者: Bill Porter
- 出版社/メーカー: Counterpoint
- 発売日: 2010/01
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- クリック: 1回
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
Bill Porter*1 Zen Baggage: A Pilgrimage to Chinaから。
I've never liked the idea. Over the years, I've combed through the biographies of hundreds of early Zen monks. Among those who had an affiliation prior to becoming monks, most were Confucians. Taoists were rare. But I would suggest that Zen didn't derive in whole or in part from Taoism or Confucianism, or even from Buddhism as it existed in China at the time. Zen was something new. Who else besides Zen masters delivered wordless lectures or offered sermons in a cup of tea―no Taoist or Confucian I've ever heard of, and no Buddhist prior to Bodhidhama*2. (p.308)
*1:See eg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Pine_(author) Roy Hamric “Dancing with the Words: Red Pine's Path into the Heart of Buddhism” http://www.kyotojournal.org/the-journal/fiction-poetry/dancing-with-words/ Tyrone Beason “Port Townsend translator turns love of Chinese poetry into life's work, way of life” http://old.seattletimes.com/html/books/2001845874_redpine29.html Mentioned in http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100222/1266807846 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110108/1294426541 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110813/1313208109