
Sam Knight “Enter Left” The New Yorker May 23 2016, pp.28-35

新しい英国労働党の党首ジェレミー・コービン*1についてのレポートだが、ピーター・セラーズ*2が主演していたハル・アシュビーBeing There((日本でのタイトルは『チャンス』)が言及されていたのでメモ。

Since becoming a major figure in British public life, Corbyn has often come across as a humble man who is being across as a humble man who is being carrried on a wave of feeling. Some people think he is naive and unintelligent. Corbyn grows fruit and vegetables on a small aqllotment a few miles from his house, and one unkind reference that I heared in Westminster compared him to Chauncey Gardiner, the character played by Peter Sellers in the 1979 film 'Being There.' In the film. A simpleton gardener is cast out of his dead master's house and almost becomes President of the United States on the strength of his homespun sayings. “He is an allotment digger,” a former Labour cabinet minister told me, of Corbyn. “Plodding.” Consciously or not, Corbyn can play up to this image. For years, he was a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Cheese. When I asked him if he now has time to tend his garden, Corbyn said, “I made jam last autumn and I will make it again this year.” (pp.28-31)

Being Thereは独逸語に訳すと、Da-sein。さらに日本語に訳すと、「現存在」。
チャンス [DVD]

チャンス [DVD]