
Reuters “Chilean ex-lieutenant faces US trial in murder of singer and activist Víctor Jara” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/02/victor-jara-murder-former-chilean-soldier-faces-trial

チリのフォーク・シンガー、ビクトル・ハラ*1は1973年9月のアウグスト・ピノチェト*2によるクーデタの過程で逮捕され、ピノチェト配下の軍人たちによって虐殺された。その後、ハラ虐殺の下手人たちは逮捕された*3。しかし、そのPedro Pablo Barrientos Núñezは米国フロリダ州に居住しているため*4、逮捕を逃れ、米国政府はチリ政府による身柄引き渡し請求を拒否している。しかし、米国の人権団体Center for Justice and Accountability*5は2013年に 、ビクトル・ハラの遺族の代理としてBarrientosに対して民事訴訟を起こしたが、その公判が6月13〜29日に開かれることになった;

In 2013, the Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), an organization dedicated to preventing severe human rights abuses, filed a civil suit against Barrientos on behalf of Jara’s widow and daughters. The trial is set to take place in the district court in Orlando from June 13 to 29, the group said on Thursday.

According to the organization, a jury will be asked to find Barrientos legally responsible and will be asked to award punitive and compensatory damages.

“We stand by allegations that he was the one who tortured and murdered Víctor Jara, or at the very least he aided and abetted in his death, and in either case he is liable for what happened,” the CJA’s executive director, Dixon Osburn, told Reuters.

Osburn added that the CJA hoped the civil trial will push US authorities to act on Chile’s extradition request, and will shed light on the abuses that took place in the Estadio Chile in the days after the coup.
