“The privileged world of Thailand's supernatural dolls” http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35416537
最近、タイでは"luk thep"(child angels)という人形に対する信仰が流行している。この人形は持ち主に幸運をもたらすといわれ、持ち主は本物の子どものように、或いはそれ以上に可愛がっている。高価なアクセサリーを買い与えたり、おしゃれなレストランに連れて行ったり。また、タイ・スマイル航空という航空会社*1では、 luk thep向けの航空券を発売しようとしたが、「タイ民間航空局」は国際的な規則によれば、旅客機の乗客は人間であって、「人形」に航空券を売ることはできないとして、禁止した*2。
人類学者のAsama Mungkornchaiさんは、この人形信仰の流行はタイの中産階級の「不安」と関係しているという;
Anthropologist Asama Mungkornchai from Pattani's Prince of Songkla University said the dolls appear to be particularly popular with middle-class women, and could "fulfill the need for motherhood" among such owners.But the fact that many say they need it for good luck and wealth also highlights "a current sense of insecurity among the Thai middle class, especially when it comes to the economy", she added.
Jonathan Head “Thailand's love of the supernatural” http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35529822
Jonathan Head氏のレポートでは、数百年の歴史を持つといわれるkumanという人形への信仰を採り上げている。kumanは伝統的な衣装を着たプラスティックの子どもの人形なのだが、「生まれなかった胎児」の魂が取り憑いているといわれ、古くは本物の死んだ胎児のミイラであったという。「生まれなかった胎児」ということで、日本の水子供養*3をちょっと想起させるが、親が主体となるわけではなく、たんなる幸運のお守りである。但し、適切にケアしないと、祟られるようなのだ(そういう意味では、〈稲荷〉*4に近いか)。チェンマイ大学のAttachak Sattayanurak氏によると、kumanへの関心が高まったのは第二次世界大戦後である;
Professor Attachak Sattayanurak from Chiang Mai University sees strong parallels between the two kinds of dolls. He says that in Thailand there was a surge in demand for objects that might bring better luck in the chaos that followed the end of World War Two. Interest in the kuman tradition increased, although it was obviously necessary to find substitutes for a real foetus."More than 65% of Thai people work in the informal sector", he says. "Their lives are always uncertain. And recently the whole country has been going through a turbulent period. People are looking for comfort, for protection."
Nine years ago, when Thailand was also under military rule, I witnessed another sudden craze here. This was for an amulet called jatukam, which was first made by a police chief who claimed it had helped him solve difficult cases. Prices for the amulets, which were blessed by one temple in Southern Thailand, soared to astronomical levels.At one point an image of the amulet was projected onto Thailand's tallest building. People ascribed all manner of powers to them. Then, just as suddenly, they lost interest, prices collapsed, and today they are more or less forgotten.
淡嶋神社サイト http://www.kada.jp/awashima/
Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B7%A1%E5%B6%8B%E7%A5%9E%E7%A4%BE
*1:http://www.thaismileair.com/ See eg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_Smile https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB
*2:See “CAAT curbs 'angel child' tickets” http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/840432/caat-curbs-angel-child-tickets
*3:Mentioned in http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100907/1283879394 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110823/1314120028
*4:See eg. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130911/1378912763 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20150426/1430011188