For Ebola


Chris Johnston “Band Aid 30 stars arrive to record song for Ebola crisis”

バンド・エイド30周年記念の”Do They Know It's Christmas?”レコーディングが倫敦ノッティング・ヒルスタディオで開始されたという。今度の収益はエボラ危機*2のために使われる。また、チャリティのためのレコードに付加価値税(VAT)をかけるのかという議論があったが、ジョージ・オズボーン財務大臣*3はVATの免除を表明している*4

“The record, it’s a song, it’s a track, but it’s an event, and the next stage now is to turn this into a phenomenon like it was in the ‘80s, and the only way to do that is to get people to buy the thing.”*5

The song will not be available on streaming services, such as Spotify, until January to encourage as many people as possible to buy the single.

The song features lyrics reworked to reflect the Ebola crisis in the second and third verses and refer to the risks of cross-infection from comforting Ebola victims.

The line: “Where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears” has been replaced by: “Where a kiss of love can kill you and there’s death in every tear”.

Bono’s famous line: “Well tonight thank God it’s them instead of you” is now “Well tonight we’re reaching out and touching you”.

The chorus will be recorded first, with artists then performing their individual lines.

The sleeve has been designed by the artist Tracey Emin*6.