- 作者: Judith Kerr
- 出版社/メーカー: HarperCollins Children's Books
- 発売日: 2006/02/06
- メディア: Perfect
- クリック: 5回
- この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る
Lucy Wallis “Judith Kerr and the story behind The Tiger Who Came To Tea” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25027090
ジュディス・カーの絵本『お茶をしに来た虎』*1について。これはそもそも夜中に起きてしまう娘を寝付かせるためのお話だった。ジュディス・カーの生い立ちが語られる。戦前の伯林のユダヤ系知識人の家に生まれた彼女は、9歳の時にナチス擡頭とともに独逸からの亡命を余儀なくされ、瑞西、巴里を経て、英国に定住した。最後に、「虎」はそうした彼女の体験のメタファーなのではないかというMichael Rosen*2の解釈が紹介されている;
Fellow children's author Michael Rosen says metaphorically the tiger in Kerr's children's book could be interpreted as a vision from her past - an underlying threat, robbing the family of everything they own and disrupting the comforting routine of a young child's daily life."Judith knows about dangerous people who come to your house and take people away. She was told as a young child that her father could be grabbed at any moment by either the Gestapo or the SS - he was in great danger.
"So I don't know whether Judith did it consciously or not - I wouldn't want to go there - but the point is he's a jokey tiger, but he is a tiger," says Rosen.