

“North Korea warns foreign embassies to prepare escape” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22045245


Aidan Foster-Carter “Mobilising the propagandists in North Korea” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22038370


The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the Party daily Rodong Sinmun and more are online, in English and other languages. Try them.
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To peruse these is to enter a parallel universe - and a time warp. Today's Pyongyang Times reads much as it did back in the 1960s.

So there is continuity - but also change. Over the past 16 months, ever since Kim Jong-un became leader after his father Kim Jong-il died, North Korea has ratcheted up its rhetoric.

What was already loud is even louder, and fierce fiercer still.

In April 1994, during the first nuclear crisis, it caused a shock when a Northern delegate at inter-Korean talks threatened to turn the Southern capital Seoul into a "sea of fire". That was out of order. The official who said it was reportedly fired.

But under Kim Jong-un, and especially this year, such lurid talk has become commonplace.

Thus the current Pyongyang Times includes successive stories with headlines as such: "KPA [Korean People's Army] units on standby, zeroing in on targets"; "Not needed: prisoners, apology, surrender"; "Burn the enemy to ashes"; "Throw them into furnace"; "Teenagers vow to join army".

And then, with no apparent sense of irony: Anti-DPRK invective slammed.

Aidan Foster-Carter氏によれば、2012年と2013年の違いは、李明博への個人攻撃から非個人的な攻撃への転換であるという。

The change of tone since 2012 leaves no doubt that this is Kim Jong-un's work.

The "special statement" on 30 March that "from this moment, the North-South relations will be put at the state of war" (sic) warned all foes to "clearly know that in the era of Marshal Kim Jong-Un, the greatest-ever commander, all things are different from what they used to be in the past".

That "greatest-ever" must jar with many. Is this callow youth, with zero military experience, greater then than his grandfather Kim Il-sung, a real guerrilla who fought against Japan?

Of course not. But Kim Jong-un has to prove himself. Lacking deeds, he must make do with words.

Could talk of war precipitate the real thing? That is the risk, and vigilance is essential.

But I reckon it is a substitute. What Pyongyang is daily threatening is a fantasy. If they did any of it, this would be suicidal.

Kim Jong-un enjoys his comforts; he has no appetite for martyrdom. He is having boys' fun, like a juvenile on a computer game, even though he is playing with fire.

またAidan Foster-Carter氏は、北朝鮮が動員しているのは「プロパガンダ屋」であるが プロパガンダ屋が行うのは口先の戦争であって実際の戦争ではないという。
ところで、Kim Myong Cholという在日朝鮮人*2が言及されている。北朝鮮の非公式スポークスマンを自称する彼は米国本土を核攻撃して焦土にしてやるとアジっている*3。ここまでは北朝鮮の公式メディアは言っていない。英語圏では、北朝鮮プロパガンダというとこの人という感じで名声が確立しているらしいが、この名前は全然知らなかったのだ。


*2:See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Myong-chol

*3:例えば、”Kim's message: War is coming to US soil” http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Korea/HJ06Dg01.html これは2006年10月の文章。