Le pays de FAX(by Washington Post)

Chico Harlan “In Japan, fax machines remain important because of language and culture” http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/in-japan-fax-machines-find-a-final-place-to-thrive/2012/06/07/gJQAshFPMV_print.html

日本の世帯の59%がファックス・マシンを保有していることに、「ファクシミリの歴史の専門家」(!)であるJonathan Coopersmith氏*1が驚いている。(最盛期の)1990年代前半でさえ、全米の世帯の3%しかファックス・マシンを保有していなかった。ただその理由づけに関しては、かなり??な説明となっている;

In most places, computers ― and by extension, e-mail ― quickly made the fax machine unnecessary. But in Japan, that transition has not happened.

One reason is that computers, at the outset, never worked well for the Japanese. The country’s language ― a mix of three syllabaries, with thousands of complex “kanji” ideograms ― bedeviled early-age word-processing software. Until the early 1990s, Japanese was nearly impossible to type. Even today, particularly for older Japanese people, it’s easier to write a letter by hand than with a standard keyboard. Japan also relies on seals, called “hanko,” that are required for most official documents.

While the typing difficulties also apply to China, the country never got stuck in the fax stage, tech experts say.

Another factor in Japan: The government’s long-standing monopoly on phone lines kept high-speed digital Internet rates relatively high ― particularly compared with South Korea, where the government promoted cheap broadband use.

Largely because of these hurdles, the Japanese developed a preference for surfing the Web on their mobile phones .

“A lot of homes just are not connected to the Internet,” said Andrew Horvat, a communications expert and the director of the Stanford overseas study program in Kyoto. “They all have phones, however, so that also makes faxing easier and cheaper than online communication.”

See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100315/1268678079 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100425/1272126288



