We are Devo!


2. 政治家にとっては、自分をヨイショするジャーナリスト・マスメディアが現われた時が終りの始まり。
3. よって、自民党の下野の原因の1つは、産経新聞
4. つまり、数年後、自民党が政権を取り戻した後、有権者が「こんな筈では……」と思うような事態になったなら(多分、そーなるだろーが)、産経新聞を焼き討ちするべき。
「共進化」とか「共退化」って、要するに私たちの世代に馴染みのある言葉で言えば、DEVO*1ってことだよね。上杉隆小沢一郎も、それから「のだめ」*2も”Jacko Homo”を大合唱すればいいよ;

They tell us that
We lost our tails,
Evolving up
From little snails.
I say it’s all
Just wind in sails.

Are we not men?
(We are devo!)
Are we not men?

We’re pinheads now,
We are not whole.
We’re pinheads all:
Jocko Homo.

Are we not men?
(We are devo!)
Are we not men?
Are we not pins?
(We are devo!)

Monkey men all
In business suit.
Teachers and critics
All dance the poot.

Are we not men?
(We are devo!)
Are we not men?
Are we not pins?
(We are devo!)
Are we not men?

We're giving up:
God made man,
But he used the monkey to do it.
Apes in the plan
For a walking robot.
I can walk like an ape,
Talk like an ape,
I can do what a monkey can do.
God made man,
But a monkey supplied the glue.

Are we not men?
(We are devo!)...

We must repeat!

We must repeat!
(OK let’s go!)

Q: Are We Not Men? We Are Devo

Q: Are We Not Men? We Are Devo

Complete Truth About De-Evolution [DVD] [Import]

Complete Truth About De-Evolution [DVD] [Import]

We're All Devo [VHS] [Import]

We're All Devo [VHS] [Import]