

黒木和雄監督*1の『TOMORROW 明日』を追加! これは長崎に原爆が投下された8月9日ではなくその前日、つまり8月8日を描くもの。今回の震災が映画化されるとして、3月11日ではなく3月10日が描かれたとしたらどうなるのだろうか*2




In point of fact it is possible to tell the difference between a small nuclear explosion and a large one by a very simple method. The calling card of a nuclear bomb is the blinding flash that is far more dazzling than any light on earth--brighter even than the sun itself--and it is by the duration of this flash that we are able to determine the size of the weapon. After the flash a fireball can be seen to rise, sucking up under it the debris, dust and living things around the area of the explosion, and as this ascends, it soon becomes recognisable as the familiar "mushroom cloud". As a demonstration of the flash duration test let's try and count the number of seconds for the flash emitted by a very small bomb; then a more substantial, medium-sized bomb; and finally, one of our very powerful, "high-yield" bombs
である。”the blinding flash that is far more dazzling than any light on earth--brighter even than the sun itself--
Never Forever

Never Forever

アマテラスの誕生―古代王権の源流を探る (岩波新書)

アマテラスの誕生―古代王権の源流を探る (岩波新書)

ポオ評論集 (岩波文庫)

ポオ評論集 (岩波文庫)

*1:See http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060414/1145029310

*2:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110426/1303840125



宗教の理論 (ちくま学芸文庫)

宗教の理論 (ちくま学芸文庫)