National Book Award for Patti Smith

Benedicte Page “Patti Smith wins National Book Award with Robert Mapplethorpe story”

パティ・スミス姐さんがJust KidsでNational Book Awardを受賞。
それに因んで、Democracy Now!は4月に行われたインタヴュー*2を再放送している*3。そこから、パティ・スミス姐さんが初めて紐育に出てきたときの話を引用しておく;

Well, I met Robert in 1967. Again, you know, I came to New York with nothing. I had a lot of bravado. I had a few dollars in my pocket, but I had a good work ethic. I knew I wanted a job, and that’s what I was looking for. And I also didn’t feel any fear in New York City. I really loved New York. I was brought up in a very rural community, and we didn’t have cars. The roads were dark. There was nowhere to go. You’d have to walk like four or five miles to, you know, go to a pizza place. And, you know, New York, where everything was right there, there was all kinds of places to get coffee, you could sleep on the subway. You know, it seemed like the safest place in the world.