
NORIMITSU ONISHI “In Japan, Buddhism May Be Dying Out” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/14/world/asia/14japan.html

興味深いのは、日本における〈戒名問題〉の起源が太平洋戦争期にあるらしいこと。戦死者に高位の戒名(prestigious Buddhist names, special posthumous Buddhist names)を贈ったことから、戦後一般人も欲しがるようになり、経済成長とともに欲しがる人はさらに増えて、それとともに戒名の値段は跳ね上がっていった。また、東京郊外で葬儀等にフリーランスの僧侶を派遣するビジネス、Obohsan.com*1を立ち上げた無所属僧のKazuma Hayashi氏が紹介されている。Obohsan.comは戒名を市価の3分の1で提供するという価格破壊を起こしているという。

Mr. Hayashi argued that instead of divorcing Japanese Buddhism further from its spiritual roots, his business attracted more people with its lower prices. The highest-ranking posthumous name went for about $1,500, a rock-bottom price.

“I know that, originally, that’s not what Buddhism was about,” Mr. Hayashi said of the top name. “But it’s a brand that our customers choose. Some really want it, so that means there’s a strong desire there, and we have to respond to it.”

After apologizing for straying from Buddhism’s ideals, Mr. Hayashi said he offered his customers the highest-ranking name, albeit with a warning: “In short, that this is different from going to a shop in town and buying a handbag, you know, a Gucci bag.”