Info on Uneasy Reunions

EastAsian Anthropologist Mlへの著者のメッセージ。

Nicole Newendorp Uneasy Reunions: Immigration, Citizenship, and Family Life in Post-1997 Hong Kong (Stanford University Press)


Migrating to reunite with family members is one of the most common forms of migration in the world today. This book focuses on the family reunion migration that takes place between mainland Chinese wives and their Hong Kong husbands in post-1997 Hong Kong. Despite sharing one formal citizenship status (that of the Peoples Republic of China) and strong similarities of culture, ethnicity, and history, mainland Chinese wives wait for periods of up to ten years to join their husbands and other family members in Hong Kong. Once there, they experience significant social and economic marginalization. Nicole Newendorp follows the paths these immigrant women take: from marriages to Hong Kong men and long periods of waiting, to the downward mobility and familial struggles they face in Hong Kong. When these immigrant women seek help from Hong Kong social workers and other government officials, they receive an education in the qualities of civility idealized in Hong Kong discourses of belonging. Throughout, the author focuses on the ways in which ideologies of membership are constructed in Hong Kong, and how these normative ideals influence mainland Chinese immigrants' everyday experiences of inclusion and exclusion in Hong Kong.

"Uneasy Reunions is a fresh, accessible contribution to ongoing discourses concerning citizenship, nation-state formations, gender and migration, and post-colonial formations. Newendorp's emphasis on the experiences of PRC migrants in Hong Kong offers an important counterpoint to the bulk of scholarshipemphasizing Hong Kong's concerns regarding reunification." Madeline Hsu, University of Texas at Austin

"This book provides a compelling contribution to the topic of marital immigration from China and sheds light on the new challenges Hong Kong faces as a post-colonial society. By integrating issues central to the transnational world in which we live, Newendorp delivers an engaging and well-researched ethnography of citizenship." Sara Friedman, Indiana University, author of Intimate Politics: Marriage, the Market, and State Power in Southeastern China