JFK Miller “Sex and the city” That's Shanghai March 2008, p.39
上海については既にOpening Up: Youth Sex Culture and Market Reform in Shanghai(2002)という著書のある社会学者のJames Farrer氏(上智大学)のトークがShanghai Literary Festival*1の一環として、3月16日にある。Farrer氏は今年の夏にSexual Politics and Sexual Morality in Chinaを、来年にはThe New Shanghailanders: Shanghai's Foreign Communities and the Making of a Global Cityを上梓する予定である。
後者は現代上海における外国人を1949年以前の外国人(Old Shanghailanders)と比較したもの。Farrer氏によると、現在の外国人(New Shanghailanders)は高い比率での中国人との結婚と”their intense desire to be part of Shanghai's mainstream”(例えば、中国人の友人を作る、中国人と混住のアパート等に住む)によってOld Shanghailandersから区別されるという。
I would suggest that Chinese notions of sexual morality remain much more grounded in ideas about the family, especially cross-generational obligations—that is, parents to children and vice versa. In the US, I think sexual morality makes more reference to transcendent values, whether they be religious or perhaps philosophical. This can have some pretty big differences for how people talk and think about sex. Many of the cross-national couples I interviewed describe conflicts over the role of family members in relationships. I suspect that most Western people in relationships with Chinese find that Chinese family members figure more extensively into the relationship than might be common in the West.
また、既に3月1日には、Lynn Pan(潘翎)のトークあり。彼女の新作Shanghai Style: Design Between the Warsは、”the most extensive and authoritative English-language history of the emergence of haipai, Shangahai's unique fusion aesthetic”*2と評されている。彼女は海外華人研究においては非常に重要な人であるらしいのだが、最近までそのことを知らなかった。
Chinese university students and Japanese university student(sic.) are both having sex at increasingly higher rates, but Japanese students still are almost twice as likely to be sexually active. For dating couples in Japanese universities, sexual intercourse is an expected part of a dating relationship. That is, if you are in a relationship, you are expected to be having sex. In China, premarital sex is much more contentious, and students will have very diverse opinions about it. Most importantly, Chinese young people still make a big deal out of premarital virginity, and this is not the case in Japan.
*1:Cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080219/1203429307
*2:Lisa Movius “The roots of style” That's Shanghai March 2008, p.37