

French Politician Believes Pedophilia Is Genetic

April 10, 2007 - France's "right-wing" presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has come under attack for asserting that pedophilia might be genetic in origin.

Sarkozy made his comments in an issue of Philosophie magazine, where he said he was inclined to "think that people are born pedophiles, and that it is also a problem that we do not know how to manage." He also asserted that teen suicides occurred "because genetically, they are fragile and have a pre-existing sadness."

Bernard Golse, a child psychiatrist at Paris' Neckar hospital, said his comments reflected "a very linear, productive and falsely predictable way of using genetics" and it would be "scientifically baseless to launch a crusade based on the genetic aspects of pedophilia."

Archbishop of Paris, Andre Vingt-Trois said that his remarks were "purely ideological nonsense and completely out of touch with current scientific and genetic knowledge."

Gerard Schmidt, of the French College of Child psychiatry, warned against making predictions based upon an individual is genetic makeup same human brain continues to mature through to adolescence.

Sarkozy is leading the race, two weeks ahead of the April 22 first round of voting. In France. A vote on the top two candidates will be decided on May 6.


さて、少し気になったのは、或る性的指向性(例えば同性愛)が生得的なものであるとする主張はその当事者によって発せられていることが多いということである。例えば、同性愛者は自らの性的指向性が生得的であることを主張し、それに対して、(例えば)基督教原理主義者は(逸脱的な性的指向性に限って?)環境要因を主張し、カウンセリング的介入による矯正を試みる。上のニュースの発信元であるNARTH(National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality)という団体の”NARTH Position Statements”*3という文書を見ると、先ずは

NARTH respects each client's dignity, autonomy and free agency.

We believe that clients have the right to claim a gay identity, or to diminish their homosexuality and to develop their heterosexual potential.

The right to seek therapy to change one's sexual adaptation should be considered self-evident and inalienable.

We call on our fellow mental-health association to stop falsely claiming to have "scientific knowledge" that settles the issue of homosexuality. Instead, our mental-health associations must leave room for diverse understandings of the family, of core human identity, and the meaning and purpose of human sexuality.

と、取り敢えずは寛容を表明している。しかし、後半部になると、Same-Sex Marriageについて、”Social science evidence supports the traditional model of man-woman marriage as the ideal family form for fostering a child's healthy development.”と述べ、さらに、

6. On the Meaning of Tolerance and Diversity
"Tolerance and diversity" means nothing if it is extended to activists and not traditionalists on the homosexual issue.

Tolerance must also be extended to those people who take the principled, scientifically supportable view that homosexuality works against our human nature.

と、「同性愛はhuman natureに反して機能している」と言い放ってしまっている。なお、生得的云々については、

NARTH agrees with the American Psychological Association that "biological, psychological and social factors" shape sexual identity at an early age for most people.

But the difference is one of emphasis. We place more emphasis on the psychological (family, peer and social) influences, while the American Psychological Association emphasizes biological influences--and has shown no interest in (indeed, a hostility toward) investigating those same psychological and social influences.

There is no such thing as a "gay gene" and there is no evidence to support the idea that homosexuality is simply genetic. However, biological influences may indeed influence some people toward homosexuality; recent studies point to prenatal-hormonal influences, especially in men, that result in a low-masculinized brain; also, there may be genetic factors in some people -- both of which would affect gender identity, and therefore sexual orientation. But none of these factors mean that homosexuality is normal and a part of human design, or that it is inevitable in such people, or that it is unchangeable.

Numerous examples exist of people who have successfully modified their sexual behavior, identity, and arousal or fantasies.


