Hanif Kureishi*1
"The arduous conversation will continue"
「リベラリスト」たる我々は宗教的・政治的熱狂からは解放されたかも知れないが、それはアパシー或いは不感症という代償を払ってのことだった。例えば"a sense of injustice and oppression"の喪失。世間ずれしてシニカルになった大人は青年たちが不正直な大人社会に対して抱く「不正義だという燃えるような感覚」に戸惑ってしまう。また、自らが身近な場所で被るかも知れない暴力や死への不感症;
We no longer know what it is to be religious, and haven't for a while. During the past 200 years sensible people in the west have contested our religions until they lack significant content and force. These religions now ask little of anyone and, quite rightly, play little part in our politics.The truly religious, following the logic of submission to political and moral ideals, and to the arbitrary will of God, are terrifying to us and almost incomprehensible. To us "belief" is dangerous and we don't like to think we have much of it.
Confronted by this, it takes a while for our "liberalism" to organise itself into opposition and for us to consider the price we might have to pay for it. We also have little idea of what it is to burn with a sense of injustice and oppression, and what it is to give our lives for a cause, to be so desperate or earnest. We think of these acts as mad, random and criminal, rather than as part of a recognisable exchange of violences.
TVゲームに夢中な子どもたちは「実際の暴力」に「免疫作用」を受けるなどと非難されるが、そんなことは寧ろ政治家たちにこそ当てはまる−−"Modern western politicians believe we can murder real others in faraway places without the same thing happening to us, and without any physical or moral suffering on our part."。
We like to believe we are free to speak about everything, but we are reluctant to consider our own deaths, as well as the meaning of murder. Terrible acts of violence in our own neighbourhood - not unlike terrible acts of violence which are "outsourced", usually taking place in the poorest parts of the third world - disrupt the smooth idea of "virtual" war that we have adopted to conquer the consideration of death.'Virtual" wars are conflicts in which one can kill others without either witnessing their deaths or having to take moral responsibility for them. The Iraq war, we were told, would be quick and few people would die. It is as though we believed that by pressing a button and eliminating others far away we would not experience any guilt or suffering - on our side.
しかし、Kureishi氏は〈第三の道〉を提示している。それは「根気強い=難儀な会話(arduous conversation)」である。そのためには、政府(国家)とそれが代表するところの人民は違うということを肝に銘じなければならない。
The only way out is to condemn all violence or to recognise that violence is a useful and important moral option in the world. Despite our self-deception, we are quite aware of how necessary it is, at times, to kill others to achieve our own ends and to protect ourselves. If we take this position we cannot pretend it is morally easy and seek to evade the consequences.
States behave in ways that would shame an individual. Governments persuade individuals to behave in ways that individuals know are morally wrong. Therefore governments do not speak for us; we have our own voices, however muffled they may seem. If communities are not to be corrupted by the government, the only patriotism possible is one that refuses the banality of taking either side, and continues the arduous conversation. That is why we have literature, the theatre, newspapers - a culture, in other words.
The body hatred and terror of sexuality that characterise most religions can lead people not only to cover their bodies in shame but to think of themselves as human bombs. This criticism on both sides is the only way to temper an inevitable legacy of bitterness, hatred and conflict.
William Dalrymple
"A largely bourgeois endeavour"
7/7の実行犯のうち3人が〈留学〉していたことで、パキスタンにあるイスラーム神学校(madrasa)が脚光を浴びている*2。「テロリスト学校」であるとか。しかし、William Dalrymple氏は、そのような結びつきは「明らかということからはほど遠く」、最近の研究はさらにそうした安易な結びつけに「冷や水」を浴びせる傾向にあるという。たしかに、パキスタンの神学校はアフガニスタンのタリバンを生み出した。しかし、
パキスタンの神学校の卒業生の多くは、たんに貧しいが敬虔な信者なのであって、そもそもテロを遂行するのに必要な科学技術など身につけていない。寧ろ、国際的に展開するテロを行うのは、"the sort of middle-class, politically literate, global Salafi jihadis"であり、"secular scientific or technical backgrounds"を持つ者たちである。例えば、9/11の実行犯たちのように。Peter Bergenの研究によれば、イスラーム主義的テロリストの大学進学率は53%であり、これはアメリカ合衆国の平均を僅かに超えている。 Gilles Kepelも同様の結論を出している−− "the privileged children of an unlikely marriage between Wahhabism and Silicon Valley"。勿論例外はある。
The terrifyingly ultra-conservative Taliban regime was unquestionably the product of Pakistan's madrasas. Many madrasas are indeed fundamentalist in their approach to the scriptures and many subscribe to the most hardline strains of Islamic thought. It is also true that some madrasas can be directly linked to Islamist radicalism and occasionally to outright civil violence. It is estimated that as many as 15% of Pakistan's madrasas preach violent jihad, while a few have even been known to provide covert military training.
それだけでなく、神学校卒業生には「反西側」という意識が稀薄であるという。というか、「西側」がどうであろうと関係ない。"fostering what they see as proper Islamic behaviour at home"が重要なのである。
Jonathan Freedland
"It's not only about Iraq"
は、7/7とイラク侵略の関係について、ドキュメンタリー映像作家Peter Taylorに従って、
So Iraq is central. But it is not the whole story. For, as Taylor explains, al-Qaida is not like Eta or the IRA - organisations with a clear, single goal. It is not simply a troops-out movement, demanding nothing more than a withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq and justice for the Palestinians. It is not the armed wing of the Stop the War Coalition.Its aims are rather different. Central to its ideology is the reintroduction of the caliphate, an Islamic state governed by sharia law that would stretch across all formerly Muslim lands, taking in Spain, Morocco, north Africa, Albania, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, as well as Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines. Plenty on the left tend to skim over this stuff, dismissing it as weird, obscurantist nonsense - and imagining it as somehow secondary to al-Qaida's anti-imperialist mission.
In other words, al-Qaida has a programme that predates and goes beyond Iraq. It seeks to end all western presence in those lands it deems Islamic. That's why it has, over the years, targeted France and Germany as well as the US and the UK. When Tony Blair asks "What was September 11 the reprisal for?" he should know the answer. It was for eight decades of US-led, western meddling in territory that al-Qaida believes should be Muslims' alone.
これは〈取り扱い要注意〉の説ではある。たしかに、イスラーム主義の中に「カリフ国家再興」を掲げる潮流があり、それは大きな存在になってはいる(cf. 中田考『ビンラディンの論理』小学館文庫、2002、特に第4章)。しかし、グローバルなテロを全てそれだけで説明することはできないだろう。何故なら、オスマン帝国滅亡によって途絶えてしまったカリフ制度の再興というのは何よりもイスラーム世界内部での課題であるからだ。
*2:パキスタン政府は、国内のイスラーム神学校の外国人学生1000人以上を国外追放すると発表している(Declan Walsh"Pakistan to expel foreign students in crackdown")。