Adam Easton “Muslim leaders' Auschwitz visit boosts Holocaust knowledge”
世界中から集まった11名のイスラーム指導者がポーランドのアウシュヴィッツとダッハウの強制収容所を見学し、ホロコーストのサヴァイヴァーと交流し、ワルシャワのシナゴーグを訪問した。Center for Interreligious Understanding*1の常務理事でユダヤ教のラビでもあるJack Bemporad*2の企画。目的はイスラームの宗教指導者たちにホロコーストを知ってもらい、伝えてもらうこと。
Ian JohnsonのA Mosque in Munchという本はNazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhodd in the Westという副題を持つが、その主要な柱のひとつは、如何にして「ムスリム兄弟団」がミュンヘンを拠点としつつヨーロッパのイスラームを独占するに至ったのかということである。著者によれば、「ムスリム兄弟団」の問題は、ひとつにはそれがイスラームに近代的な反ユダヤ主義を導入した点にある。少し引用;
With the rise of modern Islamism, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, anti-Semitism was taken to a new level. Just as the Brotherhood made use of modern political structures, such as the fascist-style political party, the group also adopted Swestern anti-Semitic stereotypes and arguments, the principal one being that jews are to blame for key problems in society. During the war, Nazi propaganda added fuel to this idea; German radio regularly beamed gross anti-Semitic slurs into the Middle East. Cairo, which once boasted a vibrant Jewish community and actually staged anti-Nazi demonstrations in 1933, was by 1945 a haven for ex-Nazi fleeing justice.
The Muslim Brotherhood was at the forefront of this rising anti-Semitism. Banna*4 could not accept all Nazi ideas, especially not the concept that the German were a master race. But Nazi agents supported him, and anti-Semitism formed a key part of his political activity, which crystallized in the Brotherhood's close association with one of the more controversial figures in twentieth-century Arab hisgtory, Amin al-Hussaini. Better known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hussaini was a popular leader in Palestine but also a rabid anti-Seitic. (…)
Hussaini was not a casual associate of the Nazis. (…) he contracted the Nazis early –in 1933-- and specifically mentioned the need to get rid of Jewish influence in economics and politics. One can explain his view as a reaction to Zionism and Jewish immigration to Palestine, but from the start he diplayed a fervent hatred of Jews, even citing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion-- a notorious work of anti-Semitism―as testimony before a British commission in 1929. (pp.111-112)
(…) One of the West's greatest traumas is the Holocaust, and at least since the mid-twentieth century most educated people have developed a sensitive understanding of anti-Semitism and can recognize the false claims and scare tactics that inform it. Hawari's ignorance of this--whether a self-chosen blindness or a true lack of knowledge―and the council's failure to upbraid him for using such literature was a clear sigin that the group itself is not integrated into mainstream Western thoght*5. In this regard, it also fits the fabric of the Brotherhood. The current head of the organization (and past head of the Islamic Center of Munch), Mahdi Akef, has called the Holocaust a myth and expressed solidarity with Irann's leader*6, who also qusetioned it. (p.209)
A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West
- 作者: Ian Johnson
- 出版社/メーカー: Mariner Books
- 発売日: 2011/04
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- この商品を含むブログを見る
*5:Mohammad Hawarri. 「ムスリム兄弟団」系の財団European Council for Fatwa and Research( See also )の評議員。『シオンの賢者の議定書』を肯定的に引用していることが暴露された(See A Mosque in Munch, p.207)。