


December 12, 2009
China Indicts Prominent Dissident

BEIJING — Liu Xiaobo, one of China’s best-known dissidents and a principal author of a pro-democracy manifesto that has attracted more than 10,000 signatures from Chinese supporters, was indicted Thursday on charges of trying to subvert the state, his lawyer said.

Mr. Liu was expected to be tried in four to six weeks, the lawyer, Shang Baojun, said Friday.

The authorities disclosed the decision to prosecute Mr. Liu — a step that almost invariably ends in imprisonment — exactly one year and a day after the manifesto, Charter 08, was published. Other Charter 08 signers said in interviews that the government was using Mr. Liu’s case to send a strong message to Chinese intellectuals that it would not tolerate organized, independent efforts to foster democracy.

“The government is trying to tell us to stop trying to push for human rights and democracy in China,” said Xu Youyu, a Charter 08 signer and a philosophy professor who recently retired from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. “Secondly, he has been the biggest threat inside of China, and they want to get rid of him.”

Mr. Liu’s supporters had hoped that Chinese leaders would be persuaded to release Mr. Liu, who has been detained for more than a year, when President Obama visited China last month. During the visit, United States officials gave Chinese leaders a list of “cases of concern” that included Mr. Liu and 11 other political and religious activists who are imprisoned or facing charges, according to Nicholas Bequelin, an Asia researcher for Human Rights Watch, which is based in New York.

Mr. Xu said: “I think the message to the outside world is, it doesn’t really matter to the government how this case is viewed by the international community. It can do whatever it wants.”

Many activists viewed Charter 08 as the most important pro-democracy effort in China since the 1989 Tiananmen protests. Although censors swiftly deleted the document from Internet pages and chat rooms, more than 10,000 people managed to sign it. It stated that Chinese citizens should be able to elect their own government, that power should be divided among different branches of government and that the military should come under government, not party, control.

Many of the initial signers were interrogated, but only Mr. Liu was arrested, two days before the manifesto was published. He was confined for more than six months to a windowless room in Beijing, then charged by the police with subversion and trying to overthrow the government.

Charter 08 signers have tried to show their solidarity by issuing letters of protest over his case. The most recent one, signed by 165 people, states, “If Liu Xiaobo is found ‘guilty’ that means each one of us is guilty, and we have to shoulder the punishment together with Liu Xiaobo.”

Ran Yunfei, a well-known blogger in Sichuan Province who signed the manifesto and the most recent letter, said the government wanted to silence the movement. “But this is the historic trend of democratization, and it cannot be stopped by anyone,” he said in an interview.

Mr. Liu spent two years in prison after the 1989 pro-democracy protests and three years in a labor camp starting in 1996 for challenging single-party rule and advocating negotiations with the Dalai Lama over Tibet. He was prepared to return to prison over Charter 08, Mr. Bequelin said.

Chinese defendants in subversion cases are typically sentenced to three to eight years in prison, he said. They are almost never acquitted.

Mr. Bequelin said Mr. Liu’s fate depended partly on the reaction of the international community to the indictment. “Whatever they have been doing, it has not been enough,” he said.

Zhang Jing and Jonathan Ansfield contributed research.



共同存在の現象学 (岩波文庫)

共同存在の現象学 (岩波文庫)


この両義的な生物である「人間」はすでにその誕生にさいして、したがってじぶん自身を所有し(zu eigen)、じぶんに固有な(eigen)なまえを使えるようになる遙か以前に、じぶんの固有名(Eigenname)を有している。ここで問題となる命名の行為はたしかに、さしあたりは外的な名称賦与にすぎないとしても、このことは理念からすれば本質的なことがらである。いまだまったく非自立的で、両親に依存している生物であるにもかかわらず、この種類の生物はすでに固有な名を有する、独立で自立的な生物となるべくあらかじめ規定されていることになるからだ。他方、動物に擬似−人称的*2な固有名が与えられることは、その動物が「家畜」として人間にぞくする動物であり、その結果として擬人的な意義はもつが、いかなる人間学的意義も有さないことの反映にすぎない。動物にも固有名が人間によって与えられるとはいえ、その固有名が帰属するのは人間に対してなのである。(p.67)
ユートピアの冒険 (知における冒険シリーズ)

ユートピアの冒険 (知における冒険シリーズ)


生物から見た世界 (岩波文庫)

生物から見た世界 (岩波文庫)

*1:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091116/1258370011 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091118/1258573653 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091124/1259035863 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091125/1259117601 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091130/1259594080 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091201/1259668014 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091208/1260246416


*3:ここで、マックス・シェーラーの”Zur Idee des Menschen”への参照が求められている。


*5:飛躍を跳びこえるというのはちょっと変。しかし、ギャップとか断絶を跳びこえるということであるなら、それはキルケゴール的思考。また、他の「限定された意味領域」への移行は「キルケゴール的跳躍(Kierkegaardian leap)」によるしかないと述べたシュッツ(”On Multiple Realities”)を思い出してしまう。

Collected Papers I. The Problem of Social Reality (Phaenomenologica)

Collected Papers I. The Problem of Social Reality (Phaenomenologica)

*6:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20050721 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20081027/1225074961 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090727/1248714718


http://booklog.kinokuniya.co.jp/kato/archives/2009/11/_php_2.html(Via http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jiangmin-alt/20091204/1259855713






「漢字が軍国主義を助長したという左翼の神話」については、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091103/1257275112で言及した円満字二郎人名用漢字の戦後史』では、中島健蔵の私的な回想に言及されている(pp.70-71)。体制側が難しい漢字を使って、人民を威嚇したというもの。でも、難しい漢字によって脅されることができるというのは、実はその漢字から何らかの意味なりイメージなりを喚起する能力があるからだ。ほんとうに無学な人間を難しい漢字によって威嚇することはできない。というか、丸谷才一先生いうところの〈祝詞〉的言語観(Cf. 『桜もさよならも日本語』)*1或いは鶴見俊輔のいう「言葉のお守り的使用法」(安田敏朗『「国語」の近代史』pp.214-216から孫引き)が問題だった筈なのに、その言語観を反省することなく、責任を文字にスケープゴート的に負わせてしまったということなのでは? 悪者に仕立てられた、さらには〈戦犯〉とされた難しい漢字を使った言葉が禍々しさを発揮するのは、実はそれが音声に転化されたときだろう。音声化された漢語は日本語に(ちょうどチャップリンの『独裁者』におけるハナモゲラ独逸語のような)威張りくさった空元気を注入するのだ。こういう言葉は、漢字をやめて仮名書きすると、さらに意味から解放されて、マントラ化していく。もうそれはノーマクサンマンダラと同じなのだ。
人名用漢字の戦後史 (岩波新書 新赤版 (957))

人名用漢字の戦後史 (岩波新書 新赤版 (957))

桜もさよならも日本語 (新潮文庫)

桜もさよならも日本語 (新潮文庫)

独裁者 [DVD]

独裁者 [DVD]








観に行こう行こうと思っていて、行くことがなかったAndrew James Art*2鈴木涼子『ANIKORA』*3をようやく観る。

It is easy to see how men’s desires are reflected in these characters, but less so how this way of seeing women is expressed in Japan’s culture of “Kawaii” things. Being “Kawaii” is the most important value for Japanese young women. But aren’t they losing themselves and their own identities and personalities by trying to become objects of masculine society’s desire for “cuteness”?
Kawaii”については、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070129/1170047831 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070805/1186341960 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080915/1221505312も。

Jalean Wong “Dressing up desire” that’s Shanghai December 2009, p.56


それから、Khalid Koser International Migration: A Very Short Introduction(Oxford University Press, 2007)(呉周放訳『牛津通識読本 国際移民』訳林出版社、2009)*4が出ていたので、買う。

International Migration: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

International Migration: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

Kaori Muraji Plays Bach

Kaori Muraji Plays Bach



「デンシンボウ(電信棒)」について、「「電信棒」は私も初耳です。奈良や大阪では聞いたことないです」というコメントをいただく*2。ということは、「岐阜大の山田敏弘准教授(日本語学)によると、「電信棒」は東海・関西地方などで使われている方言だという」けれども、この言葉は〈東海道〉限定ということ? では、滋賀、京都はどうなのだ?




日本、ロシア主戦派の同盟案黙殺 日露戦争直前、新史料発見






2009年12月11日 15時40分 更新







ZEPのことは既に数え切れないくらい言及している*1。ZEPの中でもいちばん目立たない男、ジョン・ポール・ジョーンズの近況について、『ガーディアン』が伝えている。最近Them Crooked Vulturesというバンドを結成したらしい;

John Paul Jones: Led Zeppelin's best-kept secret

John Paul Jones's career since Led Zeppelin has featured some impressive collaborations, none more so than his work with Dave Grohl and Josh Homme in Them Crooked Vultures

Roy Wilkinson
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 10 December 2009 21.45 GMT

When he was the bassist with globe-bestriding hedonists Led Zeppelin, John Paul Jones was hidden in his bandmates' midst like some medieval scholar at a whirling Odinist stag party. Jimmy Page acquired both a heroin habit and Boleskine House, the remote edifice on the shores of Loch Ness where Aleister Crowley once enacted The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage. Robert Plant cast himself as a priapic rock satyr, a self-proclaimed "golden god" from West Bromwich. John Bonham rode a motorbike down hotel corridors. But over the 30 years since Bonham died and Zeppelin – bar the odd reunion – ceased to be, Jones has quietly accumulated a CV to shame his starrier colleagues. The unlikely combination of Brian Eno, the Butthole Surfers and Nick Beggs of Kajagoogoo all feature on a resume that now also includes Anglo-American supergroup Them Crooked Vultures.

Page and Jones pretty much tie for astonishing pre-Zep employment, thanks to their ubiquity on the session scene in the 1960s. Jones played or arranged for Nico, the Shadows, Shirley Bassey, the Walker Brothers, Dusty Springfield, the Rolling Stones and Lulu. Page also worked with the Shadows, Nico and the Stones – and then clocked in with the Kinks, Van Morrison, Marianne Faithfull and the Who. But it's the post-Zep years that support the idea that Jones was the one ceaselessly trying to expand his horizons.

Jones played on Eno's Music for Films III album in 1988 and the rest of his post-Zeppelin career seems to have been dictated by the random factor of Eno's Oblique Strategies cards. On the more bathetic side, Jones provided the soundtrack for Michael Winner's 1984 thriller Scream for Help, a film so inadvertently hilarious the DVD release could only muster a rave review from Winner himself (admittedly Page had beaten Jones to the dubious honour of soundtracking a Winner film, recording the music for Death Wish 2 in 1982). Jones has also produced rock mystics the Mission and written string arrangements for US hair-metal goons Cinderella. He then played in a band that featured Kajagoogoo's titanically non-U bassist Nick Beggs. But, in keeping with the musical facility that saw him become a 14-year-old choirmaster and church organist, he's also worked with REM, Paul McCartney and Ben E King. Then there are the collaborations that surreally invert his position as "the quiet one" in Led Zeppelin. In 1994 Jones made an album with Diamanda Galás, the ferocious Greek-American voodoo-blues medusa. In 1993, he produced an album for the scatological Texas rock absurdists Butthole Surfers, Independent Worm Saloon. Even more remarkably, Jones's advice helped give them a US top 30 single.

Jones's surviving Led Zeppelin colleagues have operated less quixotically. Robert Plant's post-Zep career has been rootsily respectable enough to earn him a CBE, while the recent activity of Jimmy Page OBE has sometimes been governed by a gallumping market logic. How else can you account for his work alongside Puff Daddy, Limp Bizkit and – on a double-decker bus in Beijing's Olympic stadium – Leona Lewis and David Beckham?

No gongs for Jones, but next to some of Page's post-Zep combinations, his current supergroup is an honourable, impressive thing. With Dave Grohl on drums and Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme on lead vocals and guitar, Them Crooked Vultures reinvest and exceed standard supergroup weights and measures. The young Jones was both a Stax fan and a classically trained musician – facets manifested in the funkiness and compositional breadth he brought to Led Zeppelin. Such dimensions are also there in Them Crooked Vultures, giving them proximity to a Led Zeppelin's scope and scale.

In retrospect, maybe Jones's underplayed dash was there all along. After all, while his bandmates persisted with their prosaic given names, Sidcup-born John Baldwin renamed himself after a hero of the American war of independence.
