To be banned in Canada

Leyland Cecco “Canada votes to ban LGBTQ ‘conversion therapy’”

12月1日、カナダ下院は同性愛者を初めとする性的マイノリティ(LGBTQ)に対する「矯正療法(conversion therapy)」*1を禁止する法案を全会一致で可決した。この法案は2020年3月に与党、自由党によって提出されたが廃案になり、今年6月にも再提出したされたが、9月の連邦選挙を前に審議が時間切れとなり、再度廃案になった。野党、保守党は6月の段階では反対を表明していたが、選挙後にErin O’Tooleが党首になると、賛成に変わり、今回の全会一致での可決に至った。法案が成立するためには、さらに上院での審議と可決が必要である。

A recent UN report found that conversion practices are performed in at least 68 countries, although experts say some version of conversion practice is still found in all nations*2.

Aversion therapy, where a person is subjected to a “negative, painful or otherwise distressing sensation”– including electric shocks – to create a negative association, has been used in many countries.

The vote puts Canada one step closer to joining a small number of nations – Brazil, Ecuador, Germany and Malta – that have outright banned the practice. A recent bill in the UK has proposed restricting, but not banning, the practice*3.

See also

Amy Simonson “Canada bans conversion therapy, a practice Trudeau calls 'despicable and degrading'”
“Canadian MPs vote to ban LGBT 'conversion therapy'”

*1:See also

*2:Victor Madrigal-Borloz “Practices of so-called “conversion therapy”: Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity”

*3:See Aubrey Allegretti “Conversion therapy to be restricted but not banned in proposed bill”