Sexuality: A Very Shor Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
- 作者: Veronique Mottier
- 出版社/メーカー: Oxford Univ Pr (T)
- 発売日: 2008/06/23
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- この商品を含むブログを見る
Veronique Mottier Sexuality: A Very Short Introduction*1から。
(…) The term 'sexuality', in its contemporary meaning of 'possession of sexual powers, or capability of sexual feelings', first entered the English lamguagein 1879 according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The first comparable occurrence in French is attributed to the somewhat obscure novelist Peladan*2, who wrote of the 'animal drunkenness of sexuality'('l'ivresse animale de la sexualite) in his erotic novel Le vice supreme, published in 1884. The new concept of sexuality located sex, as an area of scientific study as well as of subjective experience, firmly in the realm of nature and biology. Sexology replaced the undifferenciated religious category of sin with the medical categories of physical and mental deceacse and degeneracy.In the process, it radically transformed the social meanings of sex. (…) (pp.31-32)
*1:Mentioned in
*2: See eg. Sasha Chaitow “Who Was Josephin Peladan?”