Occupy Russia!

Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Shaun Walker “Ukrainian artists occupy Russian pavilion at Venice Biennale” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/08/ukrainian-artists-occupy-russian-pavilion-venice-biennale

ヴェネツィアビエンナーレで、”On Vacation”と名乗るウクライナの匿名アーティスト集団*1が、露西亜によるクリミアへの軍事介入のパロディとして露西亜館を「占領」。なお、この”On Vacation”というグループ名は、クリミアの露西亜への編入を主張する親露派の指導者Alexander Zakharchenkoがクリミアに進駐した露西亜兵は「休暇」を楽しんでいるだけだと発言したことに因む。

The Russian pavilion is relaxed about the artistic invasion, a spokesperson said.

“They came here on Wednesday, they were in uniforms, they explained it was an art installation. Everything was very low-key,” said a spokesperson for the Russian pavilion. “Four years ago there were gay pride demonstrations here, so we are used to all sorts. They were supposed to come back today but they haven’t been yet.”

See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20141112/1415765438 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20150114/1421245848 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20150306/1425570810