
“Sein Hitler-Look soll „ein Scherz“ gewesen sein” http://www.bild.de/politik/inland/pegida/chef-lutz-bachmann-hitler-foto-und-auslaender-beleidigungen-bei-facebook-39430448.bild.html
Kate Connolly “Photograph of Germany’s Pegida leader styled as Adolf Hitler goes viral “ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/21/pegida-leader-styled-adolf-hitler-lutz-bachmann-german-islamist-terrorists-facebook
Kate Connolly “Germany’s Pegida leader steps down over Adolf Hitler photo” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/21/germany-pegida-adolf-hitler-lutz-bachmann

独逸ドレスデンの排外主義団体Pegida*1頭目Lutz Bachmannが床屋でヒットラー風のちょび髭をつけた自分の顔を自撮りして、フェイスブックに掲載したところ、忽ち拡散して、ついにPegida代表を退くことになった。
さらに、Lutz Bachmannを初めとするPegida幹部連は、イスラーム主義らしき匿名者から脅迫を受け、ドレスデンの警察当局が〈安全のため〉という名目であらゆるデモを禁止してしまったので、19日に予定されていた恒例の反イスラーム・デモは中止と相成った*2。また、教祖のBachmannが退いた後のPegidaがどうなるのかも不透明である。

Legida, the group’s Leipzig offshoot, will meet on Wednesday evening, with about 100,000 pro- and counter-protesters expected to gather. Nineteen counter-demonstrations and vigils have been registered with authorities.

But town officials have banned the Legida marchers from taking the historical route through the city used for the peaceful anti-communist protests of 1989, which started in Leipzig and led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Anger is already high among former dissidents that the movement has hijacked the phrase “Wir sind das Volk” or “We are the people” that was chanted 25 years ago.


Meanwhile a Catholic priest who took part in a demonstration organised by the Pegida-offshoot group Dügida in the western city of Duisburg on Monday has been banned from preaching by his religious elders, after he compared the movement to the Crusades.
Lutz Bachmannの顔って、何だか俺の顔に似ているようだ。俺も髭を生やしているし。