


“Japan volcano: Mt Ontake rescue teams find 31 bodies” http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29399306
Justin McCurry “Japan volcano: at least 30 victims found near Mount Ontake peak” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/28/japan-volcano-victims-mount-ontake


At least 30 people are believed to have died near the peak of a volcano in central Japan that erupted without warning on Saturday, trapping scores of amateur climbers and covering a wide area with thick ash.

Police said rescuers had discovered more than 30 people suffering from heart and lung failure; official confirmation that the victims are dead won’t come until doctors have examined the bodies.

「心肺停止(heart and lung failure)」というのは警察官など非医師による確認の段階ということか。
さて、BBCの日本特派員Rupert Wingfield-Hayes氏によれば、紅葉シーズンの晴れた土曜日だからこそこれだけの人が被害に遭ったのであって、もしこれが6月の雨の水曜日だったら殆ど人的被害はなかったのではないかということになる。