
The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive

The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive

Wikipediaを読んでいて、時の経つのも忘れて、気がつけばブラウザで幾十ものWikipediaのタブが開いたままになっていたということは屡々ある*1。それは「ハイパーリンク」の本質に関わっているようなのだ。Brian Christian The Most Human Human*2から;

(…) The reason people can lose themselves in Wikipedia for hours is the same reason they can lose themselves in conversation for hours: one segue leads to the next and the next. I sometimes get a kind of manic, overwhelmed sensation from conversation when there seem to be almost too many threads leading out of the page. These are the “Aah, where do I even begin!” moments. It's not necessarily a pleasant feeling, but it's much more pleasant than the opposite, the cul-de-sac, sink vertex, sheer cliff, the “Now what?,” the “So...” (p.183)

Graph theory talks about the “branching factor” or the “degree” of a vertex, meaning the number of nodes in the graph to which a given node connects. The conversational analogue is how many distinct continuations or segues there are from the present remark or topic; for my money, the sweet spot is around two or three. (ibid., note 5)