

“Greek police arrest Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/28/greek-police-golden-dawn-leader-nikolaos-michaloliakos

希臘警察当局は、極右政党「黄金の暁」のNikolaos Michaloliakos党首を含む16名のメンバーを「犯罪組織を創設した」容疑で逮捕した。現職の国会議員が逮捕されるのは、1974年の希臘民主化以来初めてのことである。
関係ないが、逮捕といえば、英国保守党のAlan Lewis副党首(75歳)が1960年代末期の強姦容疑で今になって逮捕されている;

Tory vice-chairman Alan Lewis arrested over 1960s rape allegation

Conservative party refuses to comment after Greater Manchester police arrest and question 75-year-old Lewis

Conal Urquhart and agencies
theguardian.com, Saturday 28 September 2013 09.35 BST

A senior Conservative has been arrested over allegations he raped a woman in the 1960s.

Alan Lewis, a vice-chairman of the Conservative party, was arrested by Greater Manchester police.

Lewis 75, is the owner of the Crombie clothing brand and one of nine vice-chairmen of the party.

In 1990, he was made a CBE for his services as chairman of the Confederation of British Industry's initiative to prepare British businesses for the single market.

The Conservative party said that it would not comment on an ongoing police investigation.

A Tory supporter since the early 1980s, he has a black belt in karate and is a promoter of Christian healing who claims to read the Bible every day.

A Greater Manchester police spokesman said: "A 75-year-old man was arrested following a complaint received earlier this year of an historic rape that occurred in the Manchester area in the late 60s. The man was later bailed pending further inquiries."