Ignacio de los Reyes “Death of Argentina's Videla evokes painful memories” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-22578356
5月17日に死去したアルヘンティナの元独裁者Jorge Rafael Videlaだけど、彼は最後の最後まで懲りていなかったようだ。権力を握っていた時代の悪行に関しては、殆ど後悔する素振りも見せなかった。さらに、最近(つまり死ぬ直前)でも、獄中からアルヘンティナの現政権打倒をアジっていたという;
During an interview from prison he recently asked Argentines to rise up in arms against current President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, whom he blamed for the country's problems.President Fernandez and her late husband, Nestor Kirchner, were left-wing activists during the years Videla was in power.
"Today Argentina is facing a new war, this time without weapons, they are seizing the country's institutions," Videla said.
But very few paid attention to the former ruler.