Harold Garfinkel by Iddo Tavory


Iddo Tavory “In Memoriam: Harold Garfinkel” http://www.deliberatelyconsidered.com/2011/04/in-memoriam-harold-garfinkel/

Iddo Tavory氏については、

IDDO TAVORY is an assistant professor of sociology at The New School for Social Research*2. He is currently transforming five years of ethnography in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles into a book. He has written on a variety of topics, from sex and AIDS in Malawi, to a theoretical account of how people coordinate futures together, from flirtation to ethnographic methodlogy. His work was published, among other places, in the ASR, Theory and Society, and Ethnography.

Though Garfinkel’s thought is rich and complex, and evolved throughout his life, there are a few themes that he stayed true to since his groundbreaking 1967 Studies in Ethnomethodology. One is how inherently fragile our world was, how much work went into sustaining it, work that was not natural, but could be always undone. In John Heritage’s terms, order was constructed in the making, like The Beatles’ “Yellow Brick Road.” To show that, and to show how we constantly work to sustain our work, Garfinkel engaged in “Breaching Experiments,” unleashing his students on an unsuspecting world, wrecking interactional havoc. From simple assignments, such as asking them to haggle for prices at the supermarket, or blatantly disregard the rules of children’s game, he showed both how much work it took to sustain seeming order, and that this work was never-ending.

vince carducci*3
04/25/2011 at 11:00 pm

When we look at the blatant disregard contemporary conservatives have of the bonds of civility, Garfinkel really hits home. A technical point ― the Beatles’ “Yellow Brick Road”? Isn’t that Elton John who did that one? The Beatles tune is “Long and Winding Road.”

というコメントあり。ジョン・ヘリテージの『ガーフィンケルエスノメソドロジー』を捲り直してみたけれど、「黄色い煉瓦道」への言及は見つからなかった。別のテクストか。また、ビートルズの「長いくねくねした道」から先ず連想するのは寧ろシュッツのいう複定立的構成だろう(Cf. eg. Aufbau第2章第14節)。
Studies in Ethnomethodology

Studies in Ethnomethodology

Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Social & political theory)

Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Social & political theory)




But for all that, Harold Garfinkel had a profound influence on world sociology. The call to pay attention to actual action, to the ongoing production of order, is seen everywhere today―from the field of Conversation Analysis that attempts to perform an ethnomethodology of everyday conversations, to the study of organizations and the relationships between myths and practicalities of bureaucracy in the new institutionalism. Anthony Giddens was inspired by Garfinkel in his stints at UCLA; Pierre Bourdieu read Garfinkel carefully, and the two had their own shouting match at the house of a mutual friend. Indeed ethnomethodology is so inscribed in sociology that it often becomes transparent, the greatest achievement a theory can have.