

Giles Fraser*2 “Islamophobia is the moral blind spot of modern Britain”http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jan/22/warsi-islamophobia-britain-moral-blind-spot

このテクストは、ムスリム女性として初めて英国の大臣となったキャメロン政権無任所大臣で保守党委員長(chairman)のWarsi夫人*3が現在の英国において「イスラーム嫌悪(Islamophobia)」はノーマルなものとして社会的に受け容れられている、「ディナーの席で話してもかまわないものになった(passed the dinner-table test)」と批判したこと*4が前提となっている。

The problem Warsi identifies is the problem of slippage. What can begin as a perfectly legitimate conversation about, say, religious belief and human rights, can drift into a licence for observations that in any other circumstance would be regarded as tantamount to racism. Like the 19th-century link between anti-Catholicism and racism towards the Irish, one can easily bleed into the other.

One of the tests for flushing out prejudice from robust but legitimate critique is the extent to which complexity is allowed to enter into the picture. The dinner party bigot may never have been to a mosque or read the Qur'an, but he already knows what he thinks. Life is always simple for the prejudiced. Indeed, the very point about a prejudgment is that it is a conclusion reached before the complexity of the world is allowed to make any difference. The facts are forced to fit a pre-formed picture. What about Islam's historic contribution to science? What about the significant number of women who have become heads of state in Muslim countries – Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh? So much of this is ignored in the rush to find Islam guilty of crimes against humanity. The good critic, on the other hand, doesn't need to oversimplify in order to make their point. And with so much at stake, rhetorical flamboyance needs to be handled with care.*5

The Muslim community in this country is generally more socially disadvantaged and has less access to the levers of power. British Muslims do worse at school than any other faith group, they are more likely to be unemployed and live in poorer housing. It is generally from communities such as this that the prosperous and the powerful find their scapegoats.

David Hume was right: reason is a slave to the passions, especially our darker ones. The real driver is that otherwise polite people have given themselves permission to be racist. Now is the time to disturb the cosy rules of the dinner party and speak up against the bigots. There may well be a row. You might not get invited back. But so what?