

 Todd Crowell “The Confucian renaissance” http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/GK16Ad01.html

For most of the last century, Confucius (or Kongfuzi - Master Kong) has been under a cloud in his homeland. Everyone from late Qing dynasty reformers to revolutionary communists blamed his teaching for a host of ills, ranging from feudal oppression to economic backwardness. But recently, Beijing's leaders have begun to characterize the sage's philosophy as a national treasure that will benefit today's Chinese.

The latest government line is that Confucianism can serve as a moral foundation to help build a more "harmonious society" in keeping with President (and Communist Party General Secretary) Hu Jintao's efforts to address social problems such as the polarization of society and a wide spread "money first" mentality.

It is little surprise that Chinese leaders are seeking to rehabilitate their country's most famous and influential thinker. In the moral void opened by the decline of Marxism and the abundance of material temptations, Confucianism can help provide the nation with a much-needed ethical anchor. And success in these endeavors would allow China's leaders to strengthen their hold on another Confucian bequest - the "mandate of heaven", or the right to rule.


It is now plain that the most dynamic practitioners of capitalism at the dawn of the 21st century are to be found in Asia. More strikingly, all of them are located within what might be called a Confucian cultural zone.

It is clear the success of Japan and the "Four Tigers" (Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) owe much to such essential Confucian precepts as self-discipline, social harmony, strong families and a reverence for education. That has led to unprecedented - and increasingly broad-based international interest in the creed.

アジア四小龍―いかにして今日を築いたか (中公新書)

アジア四小龍―いかにして今日を築いたか (中公新書)

また、Todd Crowell氏は「儒教の現代におけるレリヴァンス」を列挙するのだが、

Of all the world's great canons, Confucianism is the most practical. What concerned him most were people's relationships with one another and with the state. He also focused on social justice and good government. Ren or benevolence was the pillar of the master's thought.

Throughout history, the rigid and unthinking application of Confucian principles repeatedly produced complacent closed societies that were unable to make progress. They paid a terrible price: foreign subjugation and internal upheaval. Modern Confucians must guard against repeating such mistakes. If they succeed in adapting their time-tested heritage to contemporary challenges, Master Kong's teaching may blossom beyond East Asia to enrich all mankind in the next century.
ところで、Todd Crowell氏は記事の冒頭でマックス・ウェーバーの『プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神』及び中国が生き残るためには儒教を捨てなければならないと説いた陳独秀に言及する。そして、”History, of course, has proved Weber and Chen wrong.” これで思い出したのだが、最近羽入辰郎という人によるウェーバー批判及びそれによって惹き起こされた折原浩との論争を採り上げた人がいる*2。ここで述べられている事柄については改めて言及するかも知れない。さて、それに関連して、2004年に書かれた松尾匡氏の「羽入−折原論争を読んだ」*3を読んだ。

プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神 (岩波文庫)

プロテスタンティズムの倫理と資本主義の精神 (岩波文庫)