- アーティスト: PATTI SMITH
- 出版社/メーカー: COLUM
- 発売日: 2007/04/13
- メディア: CD
- クリック: 10回
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In the seventies, I wanted to record Are You Experienced?, but I didn’t feel qualified. In recent times the notches on my belt seemed deep enough. Lenny Kaye, Jay Dee Daugherty, Tony Shanahan and I recorded it live at Electric Lady Studios, where in 1970 I met Jimi Hendrix briefly on the stairs. He was tall and shy, with an engaging smile. I was quite taken with him. He seemed excited about his new studio, expressing the hope that it might prove a meeting place for musicians from all over the world, an envision of a universal language created from the cacophony of their instruments. His dream of the possibilities of union through music stayed with me as I proceeded on my own path. (…)