Elie Wieselのことから

先ずはBoston Heraldの記事;

Holocaust denier claims attack on Wiesel
By Herald wire services
Saturday, February 10, 2007 - Updated: 12:28 AM EST

Nobel peace laureate and Holocaust survivor and scholar Elie Wiesel was dragged from an elevator and roughed up, possibly by a Holocaust denier, during a peace conference at a San Francisco hotel last week, police said yesterday.

According to San Francisco police Sgt. Neville Gittens, a man seeking an interview approached Wiesel in an elevator Feb. 1 at the Argent Hotel, which was hosting the forum.

Since 1976, Wiesel has been Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, where he teaches “Literature of Memory.” He lives in New York.

When Wiesel consented to talk in the hotel’s lobby, the man insisted it be done in a room, and then dragged the 78-year-old off the elevator on the sixth floor, Gittens said.

The assailant fled after Wiesel screamed, and Wiesel went to the lobby to call police. He couldn’t be reached immediately for comment.

A posting on a virulently anti-Semitic Web site on Tuesday by a person identifying himself as Eric Hunt claimed responsibility for the attack.

“I had planned to bring Wiesel to my hotel room, where he would truthfully answer my questions regarding the fact that his nonfiction Holocaust memoir, ‘Night,’ is almost entirely fictitious,” Hunt posted. “I had been trailing Wiesel for weeks and had hoped to get Wiesel into my custody, with a cornered Wiesel finally forced to state the truth on videotape.”

The Web site, disabled yesterday, is registered to Andrew Winkler in Sydney, Australia.

Elie Wieselは一方で教条的なシオニストイスラエル支持者なので、最初にこのニュースを知ったときは、一瞬そちらの関係なのかと思った。
Elie Wieselが創設し、また会長を務めるElie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity*1というのも、そのサイトを見てみると、それなりのいかがわしさはある。また、Elie Wieselを徹底的に批判したテクストとして、Christopher Hitchens ”Wiesel Words”*2を見つけた。これはElie Wieselのイスラエルパレスティナ問題に関する嘘を徹底的に暴露するもの。そもそもは米国の左翼系雑誌The Nationに発表されたものだが、有名な歴史修正主義者David Irving*3のサイトに転載されたもの。Christopher Hitchens*4は英国の左翼ジャーナリストで世俗主義*5。Christopher Hitchensがメル・ギブソンの『パッション』を論じた”Schlock, Yes; Awe, No; Fascism, Probably”*6を読めば、彼が反ユダヤ主義とは無縁であることは明らかだろう。ただ、1996年に紐育のSt. Martin’s PressがDavid Irvingの著書出版をADLの圧力によってキャンセルした事件で、St. Martin’s Pressの決定を非難し*7、論争の矢面に立たされたようだが、これはあくまでも言論の自由一般の擁護である。
Elie Wieselに戻るが、彼がノーベル賞を受賞した直後のインタヴュー(Anson Lang(太字)によるもの);

Are you familiar with Edward Said? Do you know him, or have you read his work?

I know who he is, but I have not read his book. I have his book here, and I am actually going to read it over the semester vacation.

There was a quasi-controversy recently about his [Palestinian] background, and I wanted to ask you...

His background. Honestly, I haven't read his work yet, and it would be unfair for me to comment. I don't mean to evade your question, but ethically it's impossible for me to answer that question. I have the book here on my desk, and I am going to read it over the vacation.